Why are you an atheist? Share your story!

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Littledudekj's picture
Why are you an atheist? Share your story!

What is your story like?

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Littledudekj's picture
I just joined and this is my
Anthropology7's picture
Hello, I just joined as well.
shawnivie's picture
I will try to make this short
Anthropology7's picture
Hello Shawn, thank you for
Thinker's picture
I read your comment and it
Littledudekj's picture
When I was young I was always
jbailey84's picture
That is so ignorant! Why do
Travis Hedglin's picture
There pastors and preachers
Thinker's picture
That's right, I ask them why
Pitar's picture
Double-edged sword. Atheists-
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Why do atheists, who've
Littledudekj's picture
I really just randomly close
TheRedDawn45's picture
When I was young, round
Littledudekj's picture
Everyone's story of them is
Tristan Teh Higgins's picture
I grew up in a fundamentalist
GodlessGal's picture
Great story. As a person who
jbailey84's picture
It is awesome that you
Doris Tucker's picture
I was raised Roman Catholic,
ImFree's picture
I was raised in a Church of
Chipperfhu's picture
I have a similar experience
Muashkis's picture
Better late than never, right
arakish's picture
Welcome Dan. Come join the
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Dan.
Chipperfhu's picture
Thanks for all your kind
Tin-Man's picture
@Dan Re: "If I had a dollar
AntigoneRisen's picture
I think; therefore, I am
Littledudekj's picture
So true so true
Michee's picture
I've been a christian for 4
RatScratcher's picture
There was no alternative. 13
Johnny Moronic's picture
Hello and welcome! I am an


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