How do you make missionaries go away without being rude?

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MCDennis's picture
Would you consider telling
mykcob4's picture
Well, first you did a big pit
dpasek's picture
Don't worry about being rude.
John David Lindsey's picture
Smile, look each one over
MCDennis's picture
Two JWs came to the door
Rohan M.'s picture
JWs, you say? Then I suggest
Deb Cheney-Logan's picture
I tell them that I am a Pagan
mykcob4's picture
Leave a note on your door. On
Cognostic's picture
You don't make them go away.
arakish's picture
I usually do as Tracie and
Tin-Man's picture
My wife has a pagan altar on
YelnatsStanley's picture
Coming from someone whose
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Stanley "DNCG"
Mary Wendy Roberts's picture
I ask them if they would like
atheist pepe's picture
It depends how they act, if
Rohan M.'s picture
Yeah. I highly doubt that
TlalocW's picture
Tell them the deal is however
MCDennis's picture
I usually tell them to fuck
MattLansell's picture
They're not being polite to
NewSkeptic's picture
I like to act like I can't
Cognostic's picture
You need a box of Mormon
Francis Bezooyen's picture
This thread was started quite
Rebdoc's picture
I heard a suggestion recently
Zaphod's picture
If i were trying to be
Cognostic's picture
I can't imagine wanting to


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