How do you make missionaries go away without being rude?

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GoldenLotus's picture
How do you make missionaries go away without being rude?

I'm having some trouble telling missionaries who come visit my house to go away. I'm from a country where being an atheist is being treated like you're evil so I sometimes refrain from telling people that I'm an atheist. I used to be a catholic and then a mormon before I started to see religions for what they really are. Since I got excommunicated from the mormon church, missionaries have been trying to get me back to the "right path" and convincing me to go to church again. These guys are very persistent and would not stop pay me some visits to discuss and share the "word of god". I try to be always polite and nice to them and tell them I'm not going back to the church and I do not have time for them. Yet, they still come and ask me to listen to them. I just want them to stop. What else should I do or say to make them to leave me alone?



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watchman's picture
GoldenLotus's picture
Great idea! Thanks!
CyberLN's picture
I used to answer the door
Travis Hedglin's picture
(No subject)
cmallen's picture
??? The OP did stipulate not
cmallen's picture
??? The OP did stipulate not
Travis Hedglin's picture
Nah, my appearance could be
cmallen's picture
CyberLN's picture
Now that you mention it, one
Travis Hedglin's picture
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
ever try missionarying them
Mythlover's picture
This tends to work well. The
GoldenLotus's picture
Oh, I didn't know we could do
Mythlover's picture
No problem :)
MCDennis's picture
ever try missionary position
Mary Anne's picture
They're being rude to you,
GoldenLotus's picture
Good point. I never thought
Anser's picture
Tell them you've converted to
GoldenLotus's picture
Hahaha! I should probably try
Sky Pilot's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Try making a sign just
Rohan M.'s picture
Put a sign on your lawn that
cdragin's picture
I had a friend who grew up in
Capt.Bobfm's picture
They're being rude to you
Satchen's picture
You don't even have to tell
Tracie Moon's picture
I have heard this quandary
GoldenLotus's picture
You are absolutely right,
Ben Davies's picture
Say "great guys. been
jamiebgood1's picture
Thats so awesome! I'm gonna
Kirstina Stafford's picture
I got them to stop coming by


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