How do you make missionaries go away without being rude?

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Rohan M.'s picture
@LittlePanda I've got a
Kataclismic's picture
The last time I saw the
Conan's picture
I buzzed up two old Italian
Bernard's picture
usually they say "we have
Le Khan Hammad's picture
Well... here we can't do any
Savannah Smith's picture
You should write a letter to


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dragoncat's picture
Offer them a beer. I heard
Rohan M.'s picture
Yes it will; Mormons never
Eddie Richardson's picture
Do not react to anything they
MCDennis's picture
Why do we need to be polite.
Truett's picture
My modus operandi is to use
algebe's picture
"How do you make missionaries
Keith Raye's picture
Hahaha! One of the best
Rohan M.'s picture
@Algebe Pure gold.
dbon147's picture
As a former mormon and I have
Rohan M.'s picture
Save their minds. Tell them
xenoview's picture
Necromancy at work.
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I'm not a fan of being rude
coreyeliz's picture
I was raised Mormon and I've
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Ask em if a missionary only
Pitar's picture
Genesis16's picture
Just cut your bells and try
Jennifer Ponce's picture
When they were coming around,
Nyarlathotep's picture
I tell them "no thanks", and
kdiamond's picture
They have to come thru my
TheVegetarianHumanist1996's picture
You can tell them that you
Rohan M.'s picture
In my case, I'd technically
Peter Dung's picture
Why don't you try to convert
phetaroi's picture
Back in 1960, when I was just
chimp3's picture
If they ask "Do you want to


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