The idea of America being a mostly white, mostly Christian nation is going to soon become a fact for history books.
A new research study has concluded that belief in an all-powerful, supreme being is not necessarily important in forming large, complex civilizations.
A religious education teacher, who was the leader of a boys youth organization, was arrested for possessing pictures and videos of child pornography.
Franklin Graham believes President Obama’s sympathy towards Islam is the reason behind Muslim groups influencing the United States’ foreign policy.
An American pastor said God asked her to participate in the television show “Sex Box”, which asks couples to have sex inside a box before an audience.
Republican presidential hopeful and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson recently said he uses religion to differentiate between science and propaganda.
The sentences of Amish cult members were reduced recently, despite them being guilty of hair and beard-cutting attacks on members of their community.
Incoming pupils for universities across the United States are less likely to be in good emotional health or associate themselves with any religion.
Although people believe religion is losing its influence, more people believe religion should have a larger role in politics.
The wife of a pastor in North Dakota alleged that her religious freedom had been violated after she was fined for praying too loudly on the sidewalk.