Having failed to secure a new space after the sale this year of its home in Manhattan, the Museum of Biblical Art is expected to shut down in June.
An Oklahoma mom is receiving death threats and is ostracized by her friends because she bravely reported her son’s school for passing out Bibles.
Center for Inquiry and FFRF are in search of writers and producers who will create a television sitcom that portrays a positive image for atheism.
Hillary Clinton says that religious beliefs, cultural codes and structural biases must change if women want access to reproductive health care.
A group near Nashville is trying to open a church, except that only weeks earlier, the same group tried to open a swinger’s club in the same location.
A study carried out by Pew Research Center reveals some interesting information concerning the trajectory of world religions over the next 40 years.
Investigators in Houston confirmed that an Iranian Christian was shot to death by Jordanian Muslim parents after their daughter denounced Islam.
A new poll found that most Americans believe businesses should not be given the freedom to refuse services based on their religious beliefs.
The U.S. House of Representatives has been working towards legitimizing discrimination against women and LGBT, using religious liberty as a façade.
Christian pizzeria shut down when threatened for saying they would not cater same-sex weddings; lesbian donated $20 and apologized for LGBT.