Religious Education Teacher Arrested for Possessing Child Porn

Gregory Aker

A religious education teacher, who was also the leader of a boys youth organization, was arrested on March 4 for possession of 1,240 pictures and 43 videos of child pornography, federal investigators said. According to attorney Paul Fishman, 45-year-old Gregory Aker of Linden, New Jersey was charged with one count of possessing child pornography.

Police officials in Linden had arrested Aker on February 22 after accusing him of having sexually assaulted two minors and endangering their welfare. Before that, they had visited his home once after receiving complaints from his wife of domestic violence. During the investigation however, police officials recovered pornographic pictures and videos from Aker’s computers and flash drives of prepubescent children being sexually violated.

While Fishman confirmed that Aker has served as the leader of a boys youth organization in the past, he refrained from divulging details about the church Aker served.

Federal charges for possessing child porn can carry a prison sentence of up to 10 years and a hefty fine of about $250,000.

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