Character assassination:

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Character assassination:

Wish to report any person that uses Character assassination to make his argument more appealing.



Taking a conclusion about a different argument out of context:

"You cannot however remove from these pages one of your own claiming he would rape his own child."

Whole post (50)"
"Well there is the difference between ignorance and knowledge. You seem to be very ignorant of the bible and it's message, confusing it with what some corrupt people might do,. You cannot however remove from these pages one of your own claiming he would rape his own child.
So... you haven't answered anything either. Do you say child rape is ALWAYS WRONG, or do you agree with your peers that sometimes it is ok, or possibly even "good"?

He is referring to my post in a different topic to somehow validate more his claim in this argument against Harris.

The question was simple if you have only 2 options to kill your own son or to rape him what would you choose?
He chose not to answer or die and end up killing him anyway.
He instead asked me to answer it first and my answer was:

"As I said, my dignity and my child's dignity is less important then his life.

If there was any good options available I would try it but the question was simple, There was no other option.
Unlike you, I would not risk the life of my child just because of some skin touching with each other.

That would be killing him myself since I knew he would die from start.

You just showed me that you would rather kill your own child instead of rape him."

In no way does this mean:

"You cannot however remove from these pages one of your own claiming he would rape his own child."

I think that this kind of dirty character assassination is not allowed in a public forum and if someone wants to accuse someone of saying something he must quote and not just accuse or changing the words used.

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Zaphod's picture
Yeah! Fuck Tsun Tsu!
Ellie Harris's picture
Tsun Tsu has been removed.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Thanks Ellie
ImFree's picture
Eric T: I would like to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
ImFree I agree with you that
ThePragmatic's picture
In my oppinion he was
ImFree's picture
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ThePragmatic's picture
"misogynistic", that is the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
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