You can't prove God doesn't exist

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Paul Hugo's picture
You can't prove God doesn't exist

I've been getting this response a lot lately and seen this argument posed by theists on this site as well. I would personally just like to clear things up with anybody using this argument.

Firstly: This argument isn't even valid with most Atheists. It is only valid if you are arguing against a Gnostic Atheist. The Agnostic Atheist, which is by far more common, by definition believes that it CANNOT be proven that a God doesn't exist.

Secondly (if you are arguing against an Agnostic Atheist):

I get the point that you're trying to make-you're saying that an assumption can only be disproved with with contradictory evidence. This is true; however it is not a strong point that you're making, since it is impossible to disprove anything that is unverifiable on a practical level. For example: Can you find contradictory evidence to the assumption that rabbits live in the centre of one of Jupiter's moons?

Even though it technically is impossible to disprove the existence of a God, I still put it in the same category as rabbits living in the centre of one of Jupiter's moons and so does a lot of other atheists on this site.

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Shock of God's picture
I won't ask you to disprove
Paul Hugo's picture
" you have any
Shock of God's picture
I asked for *evidence*
Paul Hugo's picture
I never mentioned in this
Shock of God's picture
I am asking for justifiable
SammyShazaam's picture
And while you're at it, I
catie's picture
"I won't ask you to disprove
Shock of God's picture
Firstly, you seem to be
catie's picture
"Firstly, you seem to be
Shock of God's picture
You, as well, are conflating
catie's picture
PS. Would love to hear
truthinfacts1's picture
Let us assume you are correct
FRTHNKR's picture
Which leads to the inevitable
AlphaLogica157's picture
"I won't ask you to disprove
Ranger Steve's picture
Of course one cannot prove
SeanBreen's picture
Yes. Absence of evidence is,
Sergey Fox's picture
No one can find evidence that
Valentina Supergirl Taing's picture
I still don't see how rapid
Travis Hedglin's picture
Did someone tell you the
Nordic Fox's picture
What evidence was used to
Zaphod's picture
To me an I am agnostic so I
Shock of God's picture
At least within the Christian
catie's picture
If God is not created by man,
SammyShazaam's picture
Actually, the Catholic church
Nordic Fox's picture
Too true!
science's picture
I have a dragon in my garage.
Janice Adams's picture
Earlier you argued that the
Valentina Supergirl Taing's picture
there has to be a beginning..
science's picture
This question was posted to a
Nordic Fox's picture
On that note.... If the event


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