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You apparently didn't understand what I was getting at. God was the one that gave the law which is the 10 commandments. In which all moral laws are based on. You know, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bare false whiteness. You know those laws, the ones you wouldn't want to do without so that you and your family ain't killed robbed or lied on.
You do know that they are in play right now. If God didn't exist we wouldn't have His word, and the world would be nothing like it is today. And to be truthful to an Atheist view you would get rid of the commandments if you were going to have your own country because those laws came from someone you don't believe in. How long do you think it would take for a country to go back to lawlessness if no one hears anymore that God says thou shalt not?
Let me make something else clear right now that apparently you didn't get in my other post, many people claim to be Christians that are not Christians. So yes you have people claiming to be Christians that are hypocrites, like I said.
So if we already have people claiming to be something they are not and committing crimes along with a huge amount of others that could care less about the law, I doubt very much that an Atheist country would be able to keep the generations coming up to keep from complete chaos. After all if you keep God's laws you would still be using God's word and that would be wrong right?
god broke his own laws.
"Atheist's believe they can be good and the bible is bad, "
>>Are you really claiming to know what hundreds of millions of people believe when the only thing you know about them is they don't believe one single thing? Don't be absurd...
"the bible shows to do good even to your enemies. "
>>Like the Amalekites?
" Imagine if there were a country of just Atheist's. Wow that would have to be the worst murderous country in the world."
>>America is probably the most religious country in the developed post industrialised west, the rate of murder and rape is vastly higher than in secular and atheist countries like Japan, Norway, Sweden, the UK etc etc etc. You're simply making up lies, but then you don;t even pretend to evidence your claims.
"Cases can also be seen in nature of animals exhibiting behaviour we might classify as "moral" without religious directives to guide them. These include "detailed studies of the complex systems of altruism and cooperation that operate among social insects" and "the posting of altruistic sentinels by some species of bird and mammal, who risk their own lives to warn the rest of the group of imminent danger."
"Greg Epstein states that "sociologists have recently begun to pay more attention to the fact that some of the world's most secular countries, such as those in Scandinavia, are among the least violent, best educated, and most likely to care for the poor."
Perhaps you'd care to explain why the oldest largest wealthiest Christian church has fostered endemic child rape amongst it priesthood, and to this day prefers to focus on protecting those paedophiles and the church's image, criminally moving them to avoid prosecution and enabling them to raper more and more children? Your idea of morality must differ from mine, and sickens me to be sure.
"There are more killings in Chicago than in the wars in the middle East."
>>Well again you seem to love to make bald assertions, but your moronic unevidenced assertions aside, are you now claiming the middle east to be atheistic? A new level of cretinous claims if you are, and that is some achievement.
"The more that people believe there is no God the more wicked the world becomes."
>>Is that why theism globally is running at over 90%, you really are determined to keep using the most moronic Orwellian doublethink claims.
"Catholic's used to kill real Christians"
>>Brilliant, now Catholics are not real Christians, what a truly asinine thing to imply
Seriously, seek help...
Much of what I wrote in the post above yours will suffice to answer much of yours if you are able to comprehend a broader view of what I'm saying. But I want to reply to your specific comment on animals. God created all creatures and the only kind that doesn't obay Him is man kind. So of course God gave animals instincts to live by and He gave man their own will. I'd be willing to guess that you probably don't understand why he did it that way right?
"Much of what I wrote in the post above yours will suffice to answer much of yours"
>>No it doesn't. It's just another collection of bald assertions, and this kind of evasion is all too familiar when theistic verbiage is challenged.
"God created all creatures and the only kind that doesn't obay Him is man kind."
Sigh, another unevidenced assertion, but duly noted that when animals commit rape, incest, cannibalism, and torture you think they are "obaying (sic) your deity".
" So of course God gave animals instincts to live by and He gave man their own will"
>>Another unevidenced assertion do you think this is compelling? Humans evolved, as did all living things, this is a scientific fact, get over it.
"I'd be willing to guess that you probably don't understand why he did it that way right?"
>>Well guessing does seem to be a large part of your modus operandi, however I am an atheist, so you clearly don't understand why that is a very stupid question. It'd be comparable to someone saying to you "I'd be willing to guess that you probably don't understand why mermaids are nocturnal?
I do have to make one more comment.
I skipped some of what you wrote just because I had to comment on your animal thing, but then I read that you blast the Catholic church for molestation of children and then you defended them as Christians just because they claim to be. I'd say it's just because you want to classify all as the same. I would like to make this clear, many people that are in certain religions don't do much studying on their religion, they just think it's right because they either were brought up in it or they just feel like it's what they should do. But it's not their fault that it's a faults Christianity.
"I read that you blast the Catholic church for molestation of children and then you defended them as Christians just because they claim to be. I'd say it's just because you want to classify all as the same."
>>You may have read it but it's clear you didn't understand it. The only I questioned was your implied claim that catholics were not "real christians", I wasn't making a direct comment on the christian credentials of paedophile priests or the RCC hierarchy that has for decades protected them from justice, but it's clear you are again using the common logical fallacy called the "No True Scotsman" fallacy, and I'd bet a months wages you don't know what this is.
"I would like to make this clear, many people that are in certain religions don't do much studying on their religion, they just think it's right because they either were brought up in it or they just feel like it's what they should do."
>>Thanks, but believe it or not I'd noticed that the majority of religions indoctrinate people from early childhood, though the hilarious irony overload when one them 'notices' this in others is always worth a laugh.
" But it's not their fault that it's a faults Christianity."
>>Sorry but I have no idea what that sentence means? Come to that I have no idea why it's a sentence, and not part of the previous sentence?
How true your words are Chuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nonbelievers want to live a life without laws given from above they want to do whatever pleases them at a given moment.. They say they want to be free so along comes a nonsensical theory and they run with it. It all comes down to sin. What is getting through to the individual, is it from god above or is it this worlds philosophy. The world is at enmity with God does not understand nor wish to know God. So Like it says in Romans 1 leaves them to themselves.
“ nonbelievers...want to do whatever pleases them at a given moment.”
Please provide the data you used to decide this.
“They say they want to be free so along comes a nonsensical theory and they run with it.”
Who is ‘they’? I am identified as atheist. Does it include me?
To which theory do you refer?
“ It all comes down to sin. What is getting through to the individual, is it from god above or is it this worlds philosophy. The world is at enmity with God does not understand nor wish to know God. So Like it says in Romans 1 leaves them to themselves.”
I don't live in the sin paradigm. I do the same things you do. I live my life, spend time with the ones I love. And I am free from guilt and shame. Christianity is obsessed with sex and money, and being comfortable. I am just living the life I was given as a free man. NO ONE puts their expectations on me for how I should live my life. You are a prisoner to someones expectations of you...and you fail yourself every day. It is you that are continuing to "run with a nonsensical theory". Don't forget to tithe and check all your spiritual boxes everyday.
BTW, do you know where the concept of backsliding comes from? It comes from how the ancients described the plants retreating into the ground in fall and winter. Conversely, do you know where the concept of rising from the dead comes from? I'll let you figure it out. But I'll tell you this, you are worshipping months, seasons, years and ages. Why do you think moses destroyed the golden calf? Because they were passing from the age of the golden calf (taurus) to the age of the ram (aries)....the god of war. Guess what the fish on your bumper REALLY signifies. Jesus kicked off the age of the fish right on schedule. Jesus is nothing more than an allegory of the current age. When aquarius comes, I bet man is right on cue with a new god to put fear into the masses. I believe it happens around 2150. To bad you won't get to see it.
You should study a little more on the dispensations in the Bible, that is what God goes by. Make sure you read my comment to your last post please. Many of your questions can be answered. And please expand your thoughts as to what I'm saying, because other wise I just have to keep going into deeper explanations to get you to understand what I'm getting at. I'm not sure right now how to make it easier for you to understand, but I'm willing to try if you don't get it. Pun intended lol.
@Sirk Re: "Changing of the ages"
FINALLY! I've been wondering when somebody would mention that. My wife and I discuss it fairly often, and it is a fascinating subject to me. It really does help put the bigger picture into much better perspective.
Well no one is forcing you to post here of course, and given the vapid verbiage you're spouting would be more apropos in a revivalist tent meeting I think you there's little point you staying. Unless you have something to offer beyond sententious preaching and threats?
Though I'll happily admit I don't want my life to be governed by immoral barbaric archaic superstitions, which I assume is what you mean by the rather pompous description "given from above". They were given from the bronze age, and that is why they have dated so badly in places, the real morality is not unique to the bible, and predates it in almost every human society every encountered. almost as if humans always saw some social value in not murdering, lying and stealing.
I'd also add I don't want those archaic superstitions forced on anyone either, I'd prefer children were allowed to be children, and learn to think for themselves before religions are allowed to get their insidious claws into them.
@devout christian
Should we follow what you tell us to, or should we follow our consciences?
cyber n whats so hard to understand here God leaves one to decide for themselves, the one here is atheist and all who espouse evolution. it is nonsense, i say that atheism borders on the laughable but tragic side. of both evolution and atheism.
devout christian "cyber n whats so hard to understand here God leaves one to decide for themselves, the one here is atheist and all who espouse evolution. it is nonsense, i say that atheism borders on the laughable but tragic side. of both evolution and atheism."
I think you're very confused here. Atheism is the absence of a single belief, It has nothing to do with evolution, which is a scientific fact. Even in the immensely unlikely scenario where the scientific theory of evolution were entirely falsified tomorrow I'd still be an atheist, as theism can't demonstrate proper evidence to support it's claim that a deity exists.
You're viewing evolution as disproportionately significant to atheists, probably because at some level you recognise that your beliefs are threatened by major parts of it's doctrine being refuted by a scientific fact, evidenced beyond any reasonable doubt. However it does't have the same significance to me as an atheist, I accept it as i accept all scientific facts, because I am aware of the kind of scientific rigour required establish a scientific theory over 150 + years of the most intense scientific scrutiny. It's no accident that the RCC accepts the fact of species evolution as with their resources if it were possible to falsify it, or even challenge any aspect of, they'd have done so.
@DC... And building on what Sheldon said, you do realize there are Christians that accept evolution, right?
God to me is my environment. and God is a shapeshifter. religious people are just afraid. because Satan is said to be a shapeshifter. and it awoke from Darkness to find it is that Darkness. the cold black darkness of space. this was a negative existence .and so negative feelings is all this God felt. and so God created itself to be the opposite. and so it created the light the Heat and the opposite of nothing is something. no matter into matter. solid object . God created the devil to combat what it was .and if you don't believe me that the Sun is the devil. then Spell devil backwards and then tell me who still lived after his death. and was he a positive God or negative God there are two Gods. The birth God and the appointed God. the devil created your God that you worship. but there was nothing before Satan .so Satan is his own God. so God has a god or unless you're God is an atheist and has no God and is teaching you to be the same by leaving you and sending Satan after you to test your faith to break it from him so that he is not number one Idol Thou shalt not create no idols and will be no worship for Satan for he does not want it for anyone to play God on to another of Free Will is to be the devil on to that person
Lol were do you come up with this stuff?
There are no gods. All morality is human morality. Some moral actions are innate. Some we developed as we evolved into thinking animals.
Silly Atheist, there is no prof of evolution. Every claim that there is evidence, is easily rebuked. You didn't evolve from chimps, gorillas, monkeys or any other creature. Of course you know there are people alive today as well as monkeys and all the other proposed creatures foolish people claim we could have evolved from. Yet if it takes so long for a creature to evolve into another creature then since we are this far along, there wouldn't be just a few in between links, but there would be many. And yet across every so called possibility of one creature changing into something else, there is not a single specimen that would prove evolution. Come on you are surly not that ignorant. All you have is denial of the truth because the truth tells you that your sin is wrong and you don't want that to be true.
"Silly Atheist, there is no prof of evolution. Every claim that there is evidence, is easily rebuked. "
>>That's odd, I just checked all the major news networks and there seems to be no mention of this paradigm shifting event?
"You didn't evolve from chimps, gorillas, "
>>Correct, they are apes, as are we, and we all share common ancestry. This is a scientific fact, whereas magic, and godditit are, well not facts, just superstition. Magic has no explanatory powers.
"Yet if it takes so long for a creature to evolve into another creature then since we are this far along, there wouldn't be just a few in between links,"
>>What? That is garbled nonsense sorry, I suggest you learn some basic scientific facts about evolution before you start making assertions.
"And yet across every so called possibility of one creature changing into something else, there is not a single specimen that would prove evolution."
>>Seriously wtf are you talking about? You know that species evolution has been observed in the laboratory don't you? Scientists used fruit flies that have an accelerated reproductive cycle and were able to selectively breed an entirely new species of fruit fly.
"Come on you are surly not that ignorant."
>> Now that's funny...surly (sic) you are not this ignorant, a windup?
It's crystal clear that you don't have even an elementary understanding of evolution . Before you attempt to argue against it (which is laughable .) I suggest you educate yourself !
well it took me a couple days to read through all the posts here and poor Chuck is a YEC. The cognitive dissonance he suffers will prevent him from ever acknowledging any evidence contrary to his worldview it would literally shatter his personality.
every time someone posts a response with evidence he shifts the goal post, deflects, makes baseless assumptions and declarations. such as "Silly Atheist, there is no prof of evolution. Every claim that there is evidence, is easily rebuked"
as amusing as it is to argue with someone so willfully ignorant its completely futile.
Apparently you don't read well.
I have explained plenty. Most of the claims that I looked at are simply claims that one creature changed into another because that was what the person envisioned in their head. I'll explain that in a few. Your other claim of me changing subjects. Maybe you should consider that I don't have time to answer every post. Sometimes I'm very busy and when I've gotten back to responding, there are new posts on somewhat different claims. Some of which are either more interesting , or just something else to talk about because the previous conversion was going no were.
So back to the thought of envisioning something in the head I spoke of earlier. So let’s take a look at the whale evolving theory, in which I gave an answer and never received anything more from the female that tried to shut me down with it. So if you go back and read what she said and the wimpy site she sent me to. By the way without going back myself I don't recall this lady's name. If you can't find it I’ll do it for you. So I easily rebuked it because this guy on the website claimed as I've heard before, that whales used to have legs and now they still have 2 leg bones in their bodies. Very week claim, and all it takes is a little research into the anatomy of a whale. You see those bones are used for mating and going to the bathroom so to speak. So tell me why would nature move the leg bones into the place of whatever else the whales muscles were attached to instead of just getting rid of the legs altogether and keeping what those muscles were attached to. Oh I know whatever was there wasn't working for however many thousands of years it was working up until it didn't need legs anymore right lol? Also the other so called links he claims was part of the evolution of the whale, he shows no real info on. Some of those could have been made up since they were just drawings and no real bones to show size and info on them. Very poorly done.
So I can go into other things I've rebuked, but why don't you give it your best shot at a claim of what you believe is the best evidence of macro evolution and not simple micro evolution which is really just changes within a kind.
You're right of course, but when you argue with YECs it's not in the hope that they will have an epiphany of reason, as you say faith based religious beliefs are of course utterly resistant to, and the very antithesis of, rational well reasoned evidence based arguments. These exchanges are of course for others reading the exchange, who might do so with an open mind, that has not yet been rendered impervious to facts, evidence and reason by religious indoctrination.
I'm going bullshit on the Original Post. Anyone who has been an atheist just wouldn't call it a religion.
As an Atheist I didn't want to accept that either, but when I realized it takes faith to believe what most Atheist's believe, I understood that it really is a religion.
Again. Bullshit You were never an atheist. It doesn't take faith to be an atheist. In fact the lack of faith is fundamental to atheism. Atheism is about being reasonable, and being rational. If you say you needed faith to be an atheist, then I don't know what you were, but you weren't an Atheist.
To be an Atheist you don't believe in God right?
So how did life began? No one can give a true answer because life can't begin without life. It's why you can open a brand new bottle of peanut butter and not worry about life being in it. Life can't start from rain falling on rocks or on the backs of crystals as some morons have suggested. But many silly people believe that by faith because someone that claims to be smarter than them, told them that that is what happened. Yet they have no proof. So to reiterate, you have to have MORE faith to believe that life began without life. Now do you get it?