why do you not believe in God?

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ibrahimlhotse's picture
why do you not believe in God?

Hi there guys, just wondering what your reasons are for not believing God exists.

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LostLocke's picture
I'll go first.
ibrahimlhotse's picture
Thanks for your response,
CyberLN's picture
servant, you asked, “ But as
ibrahimlhotse's picture
"That there is an absolute
Nyarlathotep's picture
servantofAllah - ...you see
ibrahimlhotse's picture
oh yh my bad, I'll correct it
Nyarlathotep's picture
servantofAllah - Good point
ibrahimlhotse's picture
the momentum of the two
Nyarlathotep's picture
Starting with an electron and
bobohawk's picture
I am new to forums but here
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Bob
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
The big bang was (likely) the
ibrahimlhotse's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
servantofAllah - We also know
arakish's picture
@ servantofAllah
Sheldon's picture
"God is eternal. "
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Not to be rude, but there's
corsair leader's picture
interesting, you talk about
David Killens's picture
@ corsair leader
corsair leader's picture
sorry about the misspelling
algebe's picture
@corsair leader: investigated
Sheldon's picture
"there are numerous cases of
David Killens's picture
@corsdair leader
arakish's picture
And I wholeheartedly agree
corsair leader's picture
the book i refer to is
arakish's picture
corsair leader: "i think i've
corsair leader's picture
you say all that i have done
arakish's picture
@ corsair leader
David Killens's picture
Instead of this being a warm
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
there are numerous cases of


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