Why Atheists are Wrong and Ignorant

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xenoview's picture
Delaware's picture
@ xenoview
xenoview's picture
Sheldon's picture
Jo "Faith is not belief
boomer47's picture
'Evidence' is a commonly
Sheldon's picture
cranky47 "Evidence is
Cognostic's picture
@Fergson : What a load of
Sheldon's picture
Delaware's picture
@ Sheldon
LostLocke's picture
One atheist was unable to
Calilasseia's picture
Oh look, another
Pistós's picture
A scientist is anyone that
Calilasseia's picture
Let's take a look at this
Cognostic's picture
@Calilasseia: I was about
Sheldon's picture
Pistós "The atheist has
Sheldon's picture
Pistake "The atheist has
JohnLFrazer's picture
"human consciousness exists
JohnLFrazer's picture
..." you can’t test their
Up To My Neck's picture
Calilasseia's picture
Meanwhile ...
xenoview's picture
@Dark one
Tin-Man's picture
Re: To Dark One - "If you
xenoview's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Dark One: "Why Atheists
Tin-Man's picture
@Noboby in particular


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boomer47's picture
2 cents
Cognostic's picture
@Dark One: I am still
Kataclismic's picture
I couldn't get past the
boomer47's picture
"Well theists seem to think


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