Why Atheists are Wrong and Ignorant

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Adrian's picture
Why Atheists are Wrong and Ignorant


What do reckon to that then? You see we don't really know anything that much because the scope of our scientific knowledge is so very limited. So can we really say with any degree of confidence that things such as God/s, spirits and souls and whatnot cannot exist unless proven otherwise with science? Literally anything could exist out there for all we know, and we don't know, so there you go.

So are we really just rebelling against societal conventions while trying to be trendy and cool and belong to a 'scene' or a club such Goths and Metal Heads and Punks? Are we letting certain kinds of religious people close our minds to the possibilities of 'God, the afterlife and the beyond'? Are we ignorant dumb asses with no critical thinking ability whatsoever? Is there any arguing with the infinite wisdom of the Space Gnome? Or should we just surrender to this profound cosmic wisdom that cannot be argued against and make ourselves into better (i.e Christian I'm guessing) people as a result of accepting this truth?

Just something I thought I'd throw your way, feel free to comment on it if you like. Like he said there's nothing you could argue or disagree with here, it's a watertight rebuttal of atheism as a worldview/philosophy/lack of whatever. BTW I'm playing Devil's advocate before you freak out. Or have I in fact secretly been converted to a full Christian faith because of the facts presented here in this video? Well there's no way to know or prove anything, it's all about your own personal beliefs not scientific demonstrability. You can see how that ties in with...what he was going on about there.



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Tin-Man's picture
Awww, duuuude!!! Space Gnome
Tin-Man's picture
@Dark One
Sheldon's picture
it's the same old appeal to
chimp3's picture
Made it to 12 seconds into
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Loved the squirrel. The rest
LostLocke's picture
If the argument is, that
Tin-Man's picture
@LostLocke Re: "In other
Sheldon's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
ferguson1951's picture
You cannot be dumb and
Tin-Man's picture
@Fergie Re: "You cannot be
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tin Man
xenoview's picture
Sheldon's picture
fegruson "You cannot be dumb
Get off my lawn's picture
ferguson1951 uttered this:
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Fergie
Pistós's picture
The atheist has already
Nyarlathotep's picture
Pistós - The atheist claims
Tin-Man's picture
@Pistos Re: "You can’t be an
Pistós's picture
An atheist that doubts the
Calilasseia's picture
Crap. I've just explained why
Pistós's picture
I asked for you to share the
Tin-Man's picture
@Pistos Re: "An atheist that
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Grinseed's picture
Some talk of Shakespeare...
Pistós's picture
Thank you. You should open up
Pistós's picture
Thank you. You should open up
Tin-Man's picture
@Pistos Re: "I expected a
Tin-Man's picture
Get off my lawn's picture
Yup. It's as clear and


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