Why atheism is almost certainly true.

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David Killens's picture
Not even frozen. Time is a
Sheldon's picture
arakish's picture
@ Dan
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Strong Athiest I think you
Strong Atheist's picture
You don't really say why, but
Sheldon's picture
Forgive me bit I don't think
Strong Atheist's picture
@Sheldon Dan is posting in
Cognostic's picture
I agree with Sheldon here.
Cognostic's picture
SEMANTICS???? He appears to
Strong Atheist's picture
lol okay maybe I need to move
humblebill's picture
i am a theist because i
Cognostic's picture
Billy Zarcorny asserts the
humblebill's picture
Well how can you explain the
Tin-Man's picture
Cognostic's picture
billy zarcone: "Well how
David Killens's picture
@billy zarcone
Strong Atheist's picture
Brian Cox has said he
arakish's picture
Yep. I am the same. I just
Tin-Man's picture
Ya know, just for shits and
Cognostic's picture
I have actually seen
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Why atheism is almost
humblebill's picture
You overlook one factors the
arakish's picture
And you seem to fail to
Cognostic's picture
Argumentum ad Populum: Sorry
Sheldon's picture
Do you think The world was
arakish's picture
@ billy zurcorny
David Killens's picture
And at one time the great
rat spit's picture
Strong Atheist's picture
I think I have spent too much
Cognostic's picture
Strong Atheist: "When


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