Why atheism is almost certainly true.

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Strong Atheist's picture
Why atheism is almost certainly true.

Something almost certainly cannot come from nothing (no laws of physics, no God etc.) So God cannot create something from nothing and God cannot exist in nothing. An all-powerful God likely doesn't exist. As the universe couldn't have come from nothing it probably always existed.

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Cognostic's picture
You can not possible know if
Strong Atheist's picture
I don't claim to know If
Tin-Man's picture
Nothing is always exactly
Sheldon's picture
Thu, 11/22/2018 - 23:57
Strong Atheist's picture
Dude "almost certainly" and
Cognostic's picture
Okay,,,, Issue number 2:
Strong Atheist's picture
The better way to phrase
Nyarlathotep's picture
Strong Atheist - "atheism is
Strong Atheist's picture
You would want to ask him why
Nyarlathotep's picture
Strong Atheist - You would
Cognostic's picture
Why Atheism is true has been
Strong Atheist's picture
Are you claiming to know
Cognostic's picture
How dense are you? All the
Tin-Man's picture
Wow.... You guys are making
arakish's picture
Strong Atheist: "Richard
LogicFTW's picture
Richard Dawkins is a 6/7
Grinseed's picture
arakish's picture
Actually, it was just a "play
Grinseed's picture
I never really doubted you. :
Sheldon's picture
Atgeism is simply an absence
Strong Atheist's picture
See above my def of atheism.
Sheldon's picture
Thanks, but I don't need you
Sky Pilot's picture
Sheldon's picture
Actually there was no bang,
Sapporo's picture
I think we can only say that
Strong Atheist's picture
Exactly, like being able to
Sky Pilot's picture
Strong Atheist,
toto974's picture
i disagree a little bit here,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Talyyn - ...creationists
toto974's picture
They will say anything lol.


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