Who is our Creator???

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Tin-Man's picture
@Hulkster Re: Allah
Tin-Man's picture
......Allah my exes live in
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Allah want for Christmas, is
Muashkis's picture
Please elaborate, how you
Cognostic's picture
No don't ask him to elaborate
mickron88's picture
"Who is our Creator???"
Tin-Man's picture
@Q Re: Jim Carrey as the
Muashkis's picture
mickron88's picture
yeah i was thinking of jim
toto974's picture
I was thinking of Morgan
arakish's picture
Who is my Creator?
Cognostic's picture
I'm convinced "Searching for
Ramo Mpq's picture
I googled "Objective Evidence
arakish's picture
Searching for truth: I
Sheldon's picture
So you can demonstrate no
Cognostic's picture
Dr. Who? I thought he was
Grinseed's picture
Dr Who is real.
Cognostic's picture
Magic does exist!!! OMG
algebe's picture
I was created by the eternal
Ramo Mpq's picture
Where did the "eternal and
algebe's picture
@Searching for truth: Where
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ SfT
Cognostic's picture
1. What makes you think
algebe's picture
@Cognostic: Where in the hell
Tin-Man's picture
@Algebe Re: Cog
Cognostic's picture
@Algebe: That was not
Dave Matson's picture
Searching for truth,
Sheldon's picture
"Where did the "eternal and
Dave Matson's picture
The universe is not the same
Muashkis's picture
You seem to be


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