Who is our Creator???

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Touqir Nasir's picture
Who is our Creator???

Dear Friends....
I am new and it's my 1st question.
I am Muslim and belong to Pakistan.one day i just see word 'ATHEIST' on social media,i just became interested to know what is meaning and purpose of atheist republic.I sought it through google,social media etc and i understand the atheist are "Believers without any GOD".
I agree some of your points that any religious make a person isolated,pessimist,hater etc i.e if i am muslim and belongs to SHIA Sact(Sact of muslim community) than our preachers said we are perfect and we are one to able and rewarded by GOD Heaven,same concept of other sacts just like sunni,deobandi,braveli etc.Now if i talk about other religion out of sactarial boundary line of Muslims like Hindo,christian, budthmat or any one else than in our concept they are totally wrong and definitely deserve HELL.

My Question is as your concept there is no GOD in universe, if u see simply glass u can say its made without any maker,or u see bus,laptop,train,airoplane or any thing else can be made without any engineer,worker???



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Deforres's picture
I am not a believer. You have
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Nasir
mykcob4's picture
Melanie Breech's picture
Nice comeback !


Attach Image/Video?: 

Nyarlathotep's picture
Nasir - "our preachers said
Deforres's picture
I'm gonna laugh my ass off if
mislam's picture
mykcob4's picture
algebe's picture
Seenyab4's picture
You say that if we see glass,
charvakheresy's picture
@ Nasir -
ZeffD's picture
It's easy to create an
Kataclismic's picture
If everyone on the planet
Bill Kilpatrick's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Bill. Just to save you
mickron88's picture
"waiting for a response"
Cognostic's picture
@ Nasir: "Who is our
Cognostic's picture
For Fk Sake - I hate when
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Cog, if it makes you
Sapporo's picture
Why do people assume the
Muashkis's picture
Sheldon's picture
"atheist are "Believers
Cognostic's picture
At least it was a good reply
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog and Sheldon
Cognostic's picture
I say we hunt him down and
Sheldon's picture
I was with you until you said
Sheldon's picture
I'll get carpal tunnel
Muashkis's picture
Well, I guess we all know
Ramo Mpq's picture
To answer the question of the
Sheldon's picture
Demonstrate some objective


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