Who does this planet belong to?

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The antichrist's picture
Who does this planet belong to?

Who does this planet belong to; rational human beings or zealous religious bigots?
The Saudi Arabian government condemned Raif Badawi to 10 years in prison accompanied with 1000 lashes, to be given in public, when charged with 'blasphemy' when insulting Islam and bringing into disrepute.
I'm sorry that Islam feels insulted, but not half as much as the world should be insulted by Islam. And to think that this is the sought of medieval justice (Sharia Law) they want to foist on the rest of the world.
Can anyone defend this abhorrent archaic ruling derived from the Sunnah's of Mohammed? And they say that Islam is a religion of peace.

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ThePragmatic's picture
Islamic law is such a
Valiya's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Yes, please do get some
Valiya's picture
i read about the woman...the
Valiya's picture
the reason i invoked "bomb
ThePragmatic's picture
Yes, you are right about the
Valiya's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
I have to decline :)
Valiya's picture
no probs...whenever you are
RobertDouglas's picture
“Yes, you are right about the
Travis Hedglin's picture
"i read about the woman...the
ThePragmatic's picture
I agree with you on the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You are right, even if she
Valiya's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If I could bring myself to
cmallen's picture
Valiya's picture
You are quoting me out of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Dam an other out of context
Valiya's picture
I think some your own own
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Some people are wrong but you
Valiya's picture
please learn to appreciate
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
So if the law says that Islam
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
That is one of the reason why
Valiya's picture
You don’t even know the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Would you like it if your
Valiya's picture
"You have constantly proven
maryam's picture
My conclusion about Jeff is
cmallen's picture
This is probably the most
Valiya's picture
Valiya's picture


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