Whether or not you like it

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AaronBush's picture
Whether or not you like it

My dear brothers and sisters, whether you prefer this title or not, I come before you today. I tell you this, the end of this earth is approaching. No man knoweth when our savior will come, but it is very soon. I implore you that you should repent. I realize that you will scoff, but I will do my best because I will not stand by and see a single soul be destroyed in the wake of their ignorance. If you choose to go along after this in your previous paths, that is your choice. Your downfall is no longer on my hands. The signs of the second coming are being fulfilled. There are wars and rumors of wars, natural disasters abound, there is a war in Israel. The oceans are rising and the fish are dying off. Even the most elect are falling away into forbidden paths. These are just a few of the many things that have been portrayed by the scriptures as a sign of the last days. If you don't believe a single thing I say, if you think I'm an insane lunatic, at least do me one favor. Read the book of Mormon. You don't even have to read the whole thing, just go to LDS.org and skim a few passages. if you are not willing to do this, get on your knees in a secluded room and pray to God with pure intent and a true desire to know what is true and you will know. You will know what is true and what is not. I will not return to this page after I post this because I do not need to see your contempt pushed upon me, I just want you all to be in an opportune position where you can have at least a chance of being free from sin instead of burning as stubble upon the earth. I am posting this because I have received promptings to do so. Please heed my warnings. Return to where you should be as a choice son or daughter of God. I say these things in the name of my heavenly father, and in the name of his son Jesus Christ, and with the power of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

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algebe's picture
@LatterDaySaint: "No man
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So if this idiot posted this
Sky Pilot's picture
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I think this is a great
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Saint, you say? I will be the
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I got as far as "the end of
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I think you are looking for a
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algebe's picture
There it is again. "Ye must
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I think the tin foil supplies
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Drive by theist! Spews out a
curious's picture
He only post it yesterday, he

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