Modern science, technology, have given us so much. Advancements in medicine and so on have extended life expectancy. So why is it so hard for the world to shake the myth of a god? Maybe it is the way the world came to believe in a god in the first place.
Long ago the person that could determine the seasons could predict the best time to hunt, to plant. The best predictors became the leaders of their clans. They turned to the stars to gain this vital information. Thus the stars were gods, but also any emotion about their little clan was also rolled into that prediction. Defining the clan behavior. This was real power, a heavy responsibility but also real power. Thus that single person spoke for the stars (the gods) and essentially had the whole group do what they wanted them to do.
Now in it's time it was beneficial to listen even obey the person that could read the stars, but alas everything gets perverted and misused! This is the story of religion. There never was a god. Only the cycles of the galaxies and planets orbiting the sun. So all human societies have been under the authority of some sort of religion. Since humankind has been around for almost 1,000,000 years and homo sapiens almost 100,000 years, religion has ruled over humankind. Like evolution, these religions have evolved into wild and ridiculous forms. And the desires of the harbingers of these religions have long outweighed the original purposes of religion itself. Century after century of campfire stories about old leaders has turned into "prophecies" and tales of supernatural feats. None of them are true, just stories. So the indoctrination into a religion has started long before you were even born and depending on where and to whom you are born determines which wacko belief you will belong to.
But the belief in a god isn't necessary any longer. Long ago people could predict the seasons without a high priest, so all that was left was the desires of the few in charge with the threat of a god to lord over you. The threats and the rewards for your conformity your unquestioning obedience your voluntary slavery are in a word ridiculous. Heaven, Hell, absolute nonsense. Any sane person could plainly see that fact. But religions, believers are so adamant about these things that your very life can be threatened if you don't obey.
In ancient Greece, they did come to their senses once when they invented the "hero". This was the first challenge of the gods' authority. It was a realization that humans determine their own fate. It was the incubation that religion, gods, are figments of human imagination. It was the birth of democracy and Liberalism. It still has not come close to eradicating the myth of a god but at least it did happen.
I really don't know what it is going to take or if it will even happen before humans wipe out each other in the name of their god. It's clear that believers are never going to be responsible and just prove their god. Maybe if every child was never exposed to the god myth until they are old enough to understand that it is just a myth. Maybe if they were taught about religion like mythology is taught. Of course, religion will never stand for that. They will keep brainwashing children as long as they can claim that "god is good for them." Of course that hasn't prevented one crime in human history but instead has caused things like slavery and genocide among other heinous acts.
I say "Enough Already"! The god thing has gone too far and on way too long. It may have been useful 100,000 years ago and that is up for discussion, but certainly has no use no value now!
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Re: OP
*standing in my chair clapping wildly* BRAVO!!!
I agree completely.
Religion is a culture virus that infects the minds of the defenseless young. It requires the host mind to not be carrying another faith virus or to be inoculated with critical thinking skills. The internet is proving to be very good at disabling the mental virus in many. Over time with exposure to the information age there will be inter generational loss of religiosity. And yet, many people will still hold on to these ideas. I think many people are not intellectually curious enough to seek this information on their own and they are not mentally strong enough to accept that this life "is it". We will need to make life on this planet more hospitable and enjoyable for many to give up their mental opiate. Faith viruses are very good at feeding on insecurities and fears of death. We will need to alleviate these somehow. Perhaps hundreds of years from now, when we genetically engineer ourselves, we can make a new inherently happier humanity less prone to careless biases and more skeptical and with a keen intelligence that will finally place all religions in the mass grave of mythology.
I like what you've said Occam. But just look at all the religious nuts that post as evidence worthless YouTubes videos. Sure YouTube can be informative, useful and entertaining, but it is also used to promote propaganda and these idiots believe it. Most YouTube videos are not scrutinized. Actually, I don't think any of them are. Therefore someone can post something and claim it to be fact when in fact it is far from it!
Russian-Tank continually posts NDE YouTube videos. He's obsessed with them! They are all bullshit but you never convince him of that. All these religious nuts use YouTube like I use a dictionary. The same goes for Wikipedia. A medium that can be altered by anyone and everyone. It isn't a reliable source only a useful reference!
People, as a group, want a deity that tells them what to do and what to believe. When people don't worship an imaginary celestial deity they will make one of their group their god and give that person almost unlimited power over them. That's true in criminal gangs and in national governments around the world. And people will usually follow their god to the bitter end, even if it means their own destruction.
Religious con men use imaginary celestial deities to exercise control over the mob. Regular thugs use politics to elevate themselves into the god role. People love and demand it.
That is the truest thing you have ever posted here!
@ Mykob
Yep suddenly and after a string of garbage good ol' diotrephes hits the nail squarely n the head and drives it home with one blow.
@ Diotrephes
I think we have a record number of agrees between us now! Bravo for this post!
Excellent. I like how you think.
Sad, but all too true. The nature of humans is authoritarianism. There have always been more sheep than wolves in all points in history. Not necessarily a bad thing because if the wolves outnumbered the sheep then nothing would get done because of all the fighting. Most people will always be of the mindset that they're willing to give up their liberties, autonomy and independence for security.
Making choices is scary because if you are your own highest authority (your OWN God/Goddess with no moral authority above you) and it doesn't work out, then you have to deal with all the consequences for your poor choices with no one to defer to or other person to shift the blame we've seen very few people have the strength of character to deal with their poor choices and try to dig themselves out of the hole they got themselves into. They'd gladly submit themselves to another if it means they can get out of the hole faster/with no effort on their part. More so if they can blame someone else for the mistake (poor Satan, he really gets more shit than he should).
Freedom is scary because it also comes with some things most people can't handle...personal responsibility, personal accountability and eternal vigilance. These things aren't for the weak of heart. Sure, this sort of behavior worked once upon a time to get ancient civilizations going (because if more people kept fighting for dominance then nothing gets done), but now its time to put the Stone Age mentality and Bronze Age view in a museum.
Now, one of the major questions that I think might help kill off dependence on religions is "is this sort of dependence on someone else to a religious-like level engraved in human nature, or is it conditioned?" I don't think it will lead us towards a "silver bullet" that will kill all religion forever and work on everyone but I do think that by figuring out the answer to this will give us better ways to attack it.
- Very well said, Couldn't agree more.
Thanks for the kind comments.
I grew up on air force bases. They were little islands of humanity, self sufficient, and the domain of the white Anglo-saxon protestant. Only when I was 14 years old was I fully exposed to society. Although this was approximately the age I started to question the religious doctrine I had been marinating in, I was also going through puberty and there were more important issues on my mind.
When I look at my life story, it provides grounds for my thesis, that ignorance is the prime tool of religion. Not school book ignorance, but rather ignorance on dealing with the god question. My true liberation from the slavery of religion was when the internet took away all the censorship imposed by institutions that (many unknowingly) shielded religion from critical examination.
These days we are now exposed to these enemies of religion. Television has shows that now openly challenge the god question. Sheldon (I tip my hat to both entities) is openly atheist and openly contradicts his bible thumping mother from Texas. Brian from Family Guy is an atheist, and some stories are wound around this plot line.
But the YouTube "Up Next" sidebar is one tool that really matters, it exposes the user to other topics. A teen may watch a video on how to properly pray, but on the sidebar suggestion of other videos, he may be exposed to something that counters organized religion. A parent may have instructed their teen to go and research how to pray, but an hour later that teen may be forever changed because he saw a Matt Dillahunty rant.
Education is the enemy of religion. For example, witness the fierce push-back on just the age of the earth.
Religion is no longer the sole authority on everything, and we now know that anything positive religion can claim can be replaced by secular institutions. We do not need god to run government, we do not need god to heal us, we do not need god to offer support by a community.
But the many negatives religion practices are hard to kill off. There are pregnant children because religion kept them away from sex ed, there are still children dying as a result of parents who refuse medical treatment.
For me personally, I do not throw anti-religious conversation around casually, instead I just try to trigger the need to research within my social circle.
Just like monarchy and slavery, religion had it's role in humanity reaching this present stage of development. But it is now obsolete, we do not need it anymore. In fact, it is now a hindrance for the development of humanity.
When will humans finally admit that atheism is ridiculous. Atheism is the opiate of the people. Atheism is just an excuse people use in order to not feel guilty about their immoral behavior. Atheistic regimes have killed more people in the 20th century than all other religions combined. The religion of atheism is the worst of them all.
Five months ago you told us that atheists are irreligious. Now atheism is a religion? What changed?
@Nyarlathotep I think he found us sacrificing 666 babies on the altar of Christopher Hitchens and ritualistically raping women in the name of our non-belief.
"The religion of atheism"
go do your research dumb ass..
Sic 'im, Q! Sic 'im!
"Sic 'im, Q! Sic 'im!"
sorry man...
i'm on a diet when it comes to brainless people..
ZOMBIE QUASI: "braiinnsss....ffgghhhh..*sniff sniff* brain.."
More ridiculous then having an imaginary friend?
Ok, I'll buy it!
When will humans finally admit that religion is ridiculous. Religion is the opiate of the people. Religion is just an excuse people use in order to not feel guilty about their immoral behavior. Religious conflicts have killed more people in the 20th century than all other non-old age causes combined. Religion is the worst of them all.
There, fixed it for you.
Nice of you to correct that for him. That AJ777 dude must have some sort of strange form of dyslexia. Poor guy.
Here we go again with you AJ777.
You are completely wrong. No regime has murdered people in the name of atheism.
Atheism is NOT a religion or a belief.
Christian have killed more people in the name of god than any other group or for any other reason. That is just cold hard fact.
Stalin murdered about 20 people but never over their religion. Mao never murdered one person because they were not atheist!
@AJ777 Re: "The religion of atheism is the worst of them all."
Hey, AJ, I'm sorry, but you are gonna have to be a little more specific. Are you talking about the Baptist Atheists, the Methodist Atheists, or the Church of God Atheists? Or maybe you mean the Church of Christ Atheists, or the Catholic Atheists? Of course, there are the Pentecostal Atheists. (And, honestly, I wouldn't trust those fuckers, either. I can never understand what the hell they are saying.) I suppose I would have to agree the Calvinist Atheists and the Lutheran Atheists are also suspect. As you can see, though, we atheist religionists have a wide variety of non-belief dogmas that often conflict with each other in how we do not interpret our sacred book of fairy tales. So I can totally understand how some of those heathenistic FALSE atheist denominations could be confused with those of us of the TRUE atheist faith. Oh, and don't even get me started on all of those Non-Christian Atheist faiths! Oh, lord! *exasperated eye rolling*
Oh, hey, uh, I hope you don't mind my saying, but I could not help but notice in your profile pic you appear to be having some lower intestinal trouble. Have you considered using some Gas-X?
I thought lying was forbidden by the ten commandments? The sheer hypocrisy of that post says it all, matched neatly by the sheer stupidity of it, what do you hope to achieve?
"Atheistic regimes have killed more people in the 20th century than all other religions combined. "
No they haven't, Hitchens's razor, though I'm sure we all notice the best you can claim for your superstitious mumbo jumbo is hasn't killed the most people. Except of course no atheist would claim humans are not capable of committing atrocities with or without religion, but can perhaps when you've finished your arrogant sententious preaching you can explain why your worship a deity that your own bible claims has committed, indiscriminate murder, genocide, infanticide, ethnic cleansing, sex trafficking young girls, tortured a baby to death because it was angry the parents conceived it in an adulterous affair, and encouraged humans into every kind of wicked evil barbarity, including advocating slavery, rapine, murder, ethnic cleansing, and much more besides.
Two of the most barbaric regimes in human history, let alone the 20th century were theistic, Nazism, and the Japanese fascists, between them they directly murdered 10's of millions of people, and indirectly caused the deaths of many many more. The Holocaust a direct result of centuries of christian antisemitism, the aptly named Rape of Nanking and countless atrocities committed by the JIA in the belief they were justified in doing the bidding of a living deity.
Atheism of course is not a religion, only rank dishonesty or rank idiocy would prompt someone to even claim something so absurd. It holds no beliefs, has no doctrine, no dogma, no religious texts. It is the lack or absence of one single belief, nothing more and nothing less.
spot on sheldy..very well said..
Andrew Schlafly is a well known crackpot.
Is this the same Andrew Schlafly who said Einstein's theory of general relativity was false and a liberal hoax?
Yep, that is him! He claimed that it somehow promotes moral relativism (something like that anyway). LOL.
ETA: Standard crackpot nonsense. He sees scientists using a word he doesn't like; but doesn't realize it has a very special meaning in science that it does not have in normal language. Ultimately not much different than PGJ.
Even if every claim on that link you posted were true (that "atheism") caused all that mass murder, atheism is still way, way behind theism.
And ofcourse most all of the mass murders mentioned are not "atheist" based. Most of the leaders in the events would never agree with you if you asked them if they were atheist and they carried out their killings in the name of "atheism."
Then they go on to mention abortion. Like that is somehow strictly an atheist thing that only atheist do.
Wow, how to bury your own argument... An enormous majority of all abortions are done by people that say they are religious. Especially if you consider a zygote to be a human, and killing it is an abortion.
Conservapedia is a complete joke, only a moron would believe that propaganda. You're trolling again...