When do you stop believeing in God?

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ginamoon's picture
When do you stop believeing in God?

Another question for our atheist fellows here, when do you become an atheist?
I may guess that mostly it was later in life not unless you also grew up with atheist parents. It could be a nice thing looking back how it happened. :)

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Armin's picture
I'm became an atheist when I
mysticrose's picture
Becoming a humanist does not
Zaphod's picture
I think one stops believing
efpierce's picture
I think that many of us have
firebolt's picture
I don't think it can be tied
SammyShazaam's picture
I was born an agnostic, and
aubreycnn51's picture
Always had a curiosity from a
mysticrose's picture
I do hope more and more
Pitar's picture
You have to stop extending
tarynmccoy2006@gmail.com's picture
My family was never really

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