What if your wrong???There is a God and Donald Trump is not a BAD MAN

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Anonymous's picture
What if your wrong???There is a God and Donald Trump is not a BAD MAN

Is it possible I am wrong and Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is it possible that Donald Trump is not a bad man??In my last post I compared Jesus Christ and Donald Trump as examples that I am sure to infinity --Jesus Christ and God is silly and Donald Trump is a bad man!!!
I first have to state my bias--I am a liberal democrat. I am more of a liberal than a democrat but either way you know my bias.
Donald Trump is a bad man but the rest of the republican candidates seem "flawed" in different ways.. From 1-10 my contempt ranges from 1-10.. Of course Donald Trump comes in at 0 because he is a bad man. But my indifference to hostility might go from indifference(Marco Rubio - 8) to hostility to (Mike Huckabee -3). But ALL of them--yes everyone of the candidates seems week and flawed. It must be my bias but Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christi, Ted Cruz , Carla Fiorina, Linsay Graham, Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, Rick Santorum, all are wearing "emperors new clothes". How can it be my perceptions about so many people be so negative. Can all of them be assholes????? If my bias "affects" my perceptions about so many people who are politically different than me---Then maybe Jesus Christ is the son of God and Donald Trump is not a bad man. Just saying!!! God Bless

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Nutmeg's picture
Jesus Christ, man, can't you
Anonymous's picture
NUT meg ---Agree or disagree
Nutmeg's picture
Your doin reel baad, man, You
Travis Hedglin's picture
No, even in the event that it
Nordic Fox's picture
Hey now, hey now.... Don't
Travis Hedglin's picture
No, Jesus is like an ancient
Anonymous's picture
Travis- I said Donald Trump
Nutmeg's picture
You really are the complete
Anonymous's picture
NUTmeg-Kisses and Hugs-God
Nutmeg's picture
Glad you know your place.

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