What exactly is consciousness?

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FreeThinking's picture
What exactly is consciousness?

My theory is that the only thing that truly exists is consciousness. Matter is merely a construct of consciousness...and a damn good one. This theory has had no blows to it and in my opinion is very possible. The contrary theory that somehow matter creates consciousness has no evidence whatsoever, so there is no reason why I should believe it is true.

Some of you may be thinking: "so you're telling me that all that stuff I see isn't real??", well in a sense, yes. It's only there because you have observed it as such. No consciousness = absolute nothingness. Really think deeply about this conundrum, how in the world would there be anything if there was no conscious being to observe it??? How would the chair be a chair if there was nobody to observe it?

Anything that YOU have ever known was because you are a conscious sentient being, and to try to explain your own consciousness as an illusion is laughable, and is highly unscientific, no evidence says this is such. If we had the ability to look at matter on smaller and smaller scales all the way down to the smallest allowable slice of space-time in the universe I guarantee you we will find that THERE IS NOTHING THERE. There is no floor, walls etc. It simply doesn't exist. But let's say we did find something...what exactly would that be? A tiny ball of vibrating energy?? Ok, that's cool, but what the hell is that tiny ball of vibrating energy?

It is absolutely proven, at this point that there is no form of matter or energy that is real or solid in any conventional sense, the Newtonian universe is absolutely and irrevocably proven to not exist, and there is no way to prove otherwise. What we essentially have discovered since QM is that there no longer is matter, no certainty, and no actual things or events anywhere throughout all of space-time. All things exist in a multitude, possibly infinite set of possibilities and physical locations through out space-time (potentiality)---my theory is this that this is the case, UNTIL WE LOOK AT IT. In addition, at the moment we look at it, all things tied together by any potentiality or possibility with this thing come into being. If I am not mistaken one interpretation (that has been disowned for some reason) is that consciousness collapses the wave function, now I am not saying this is the correct interpretation but it is in line with what I am saying. Also for example the quantum Zeno effect has shown that the observer controls the flow of time.

Regarding the double slit experiment:

Wikipedia- "The most baffling part of this experiment comes when only one photon at a time is fired at the barrier with both slits open. The pattern of interference remains the same, as can be seen if many photons are emitted one at a time and recorded on the same photographic film. The clear implication is that something with a wavelike nature passes simultaneously through both slits and interferes with itself--even though there is only one photon present. (This experiment works with electrons, atoms, and even some molecules too)"

The idea that single photon events seem as though the photon 'interferes with itself' is baffling. It is more baffling when you do it with small molecules that are supposed to be matter. Isn't matter solid?? Performed with particles, such as electrons, a new enigma emerges--the wave-particle dual nature of matter seems to 'know' that it is being measured by expressing itself as a wave in a wave experiment, but expressing itself as a particle in any particle experiment.

Wikipedia-" there is a variation of the double-slit experiment in which detectors are places in either or both of the two slits in an attempt to determine which slit the photon passes through on its way to the screen. Placing a detector in just one of the slits will result in the disappearance of the interference pattern."

Meaning that the particle aspect of the photon is expressed when we try to trick the photon by trying to measure its whereabouts. It thus ceases being everywhere and becomes a particle with a defined location and path. There is only probability and possibilities--no STUFF. When you take a close look at what everything really is, there is nothing there, only potentiality--even energy itself in any form is only probability.

Ultimately what I am saying is this: these phenomena are not any absolute property of the particle, but that it can only be expressed in terms of being a particle-observer system. This is, nothing exists because it is some ancient artifact of the Big Bang, no particle, no wave, no force, no energy, but everything exists in terms of Big Bang-observer systems.

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