What do you think about mormonism?

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Very Mormon's picture
What do you think about mormonism?

I technically don't belong on this site, but I just wanted to hear other peoples opinions, I am not here to convert you, I just want to answer questions about my religion and hear what your opinion about it is

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jamiebgood1's picture
Hi I am a Mormon

Hi I am a Mormon
As a teenager I was close friends with 3 Mormon girls. I almost converted at one point then it felt like the same sort of dogma and restrictions I was receiving from christianity. I have a question about the ceremony a priest has with a Mormon bride before marriage. do you know anything about that?

Very Mormon's picture
can you clarify? I'm not sure

can you clarify? I'm not sure what you mean by that

jamiebgood1's picture
Sure. I never experienced it

Sure. I never experienced it but it sounds creepy.

“It was horrific,” she told WND. “There I was standing naked. They brought this bowl of water, and started washing my body down and whispering prayers over my body. They stopped over the right and left breast, the navel and knees and prayed specific prayers.”
Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2011/10/354721/#BREocC6KwlB5KXtA.99

Very Mormon's picture
okay... that is not mormonism

okay... that is not mormonism, that shouldn't happen ever. I don't know what that website is but I think it is fake. Either that or there is a bishop somewhere that needs to be arrested.

algebe's picture
@I am a Mormon: "What do you

@I am a Mormon: "What do you think about mormonism? "

Four things stand out:
1. Bad dress sense.
2. Started by a convicted con man
3. Murderous history (Mountain Meadows Massacre)
4. Abuse of girls and women under the plural marriage system.

Nyarlathotep's picture
don't forget magic underwear;

don't forget magic underwear; unless you include that in #1

Very Mormon's picture
We actually don't like them

We actually don't like them being called "magic underwear" we do however believe that they are sacred.

Very Mormon's picture
We actually don't like them

We actually don't like them being called "magic underwear" we do however believe that they are sacred.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh I know you don't like them

Oh I know you don't like them to be called that. But it is an accurate description of them. They are undergarments (underwear) that are designed/worn to produce a supernatural effect (magic).

Very Mormon's picture
Can't really argue with the

Algebe, Can't really argue with the bad dress sense... Joseph Smith was arrested several times but never actually convicted, as far as i know, he was a very honest man. We do not believe in plural marriage at all. It was a part of mormonism in the beginning but it has not been so for more than a hundred years. As for abuse, of course there are going to be cases in individual homes but the church as a whole is very against it.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Joseph Smith was arrested

I am a mormon - Joseph Smith was arrested several times but never actually [convicted]

According to BYU, Smith was convicted of bank fraud.
/e I originally put in the wrong link above, I corrected it, and the wrong link is below (which is also an interesting read).

Very Mormon's picture
that is false, that was from

that is false, that was from several years ago, when they found an actual document saying that he had been convicted, many people left the church but soon after it was discovered to be fake. the man who created the fake document came out and the whole thing was debunked.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I am a mormon - that is false

I am a mormon - that is false...the whole thing was debunked

Perhaps so, I don't really know. But if you notice, the source of the document I linked is Brigham Young University, which is owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So (if it is false) why is your church still presenting it as true? This is exactly why I choose the source I did; as you can't discredit the source without discrediting your religion in the process.

Very Mormon's picture
I'm sorry, I read that

I'm sorry, I read that incorrectly the first time. I was thinking of another incident. I do not know whether it is true. If it is true, something we as mormons stress a lot is that we are human, and Oliver Cowdry is actually rebuked by God one time in the Doctrine and covenants which is a record of the beginning of the church. he made quite a few mistakes.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I am a mormon - I technically

I am a mormon - I technically don't belong on this site

As far as this site goes; you are more than welcome here.

I live in a part of the United States where the LDS church (the Mormons for those who don't know) is mainstream. My opinion on them: just as nutty as non-Mormons.

Very Mormon's picture
Haha, thanks, if you mean

Haha, thanks, if you mean Utah by mormons being mainstream, I live here too.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Actually I live in Nevada,

Actually I live in Nevada, which is kind of like Utah-light.

jamiebgood1's picture
I am Mormon

I am Mormon
What are your views on homosexuality?

Very Mormon's picture
I believe that it is wrong,

I believe that it is wrong, but at the same time I do not look down upon people who classify themselves as such (my best friend is gay) Homosexuality is a sin that should not exist, it is wrong and perverse, I am sorry if I have offended anyone, those are my views.

jamiebgood1's picture

Perhaps for your best friends wellbeing you should read about the depression and suicide rate amongst Mormon young people is affected by your viewpoint that it is wrong.

Very Mormon's picture
I have, and I support her. I

I have, and I support her. I will not force my beliefs on anyone, and in her case I will not display my beliefs unless she asks for them.

Stu. K.'s picture
I went to research Mormonism

I went to research Mormonism a bit, and 20 seconds in, fron lds.org, it says "Many years ago there lived in the land now called America a young boy named Mormon. His father’s name was also Mormon. In those days no one had last names, so the boy was known as the son of Mormon."

Seriously, there were no last names in the 1800's? Their founders' name was Joseph Smith Jr. for crying out loud lol.They've already lost almost all credibility with me.

Also I find it interesting that the angel let him borrow the golden plates so he could copy them down and distribute the copied version instead of just showing everybody in the world the golden plates outright. Smells like BS to me.

Very Mormon's picture
you didn't research it enough

you didn't research it enough... Mormon is a prophet in the Book Of Mormon, which takes place from about 600 B.C. to around 400 A.D. they didn't have last names back then.

Stu. K.'s picture
Then for that I apologize.

Then for that I apologize.

Stu. K.'s picture
Then for that I apologize.

Then for that I apologize.

Very Mormon's picture
that's alright, I can see how

that's alright, I can see how you would have thought that.

Sky Pilot's picture
I am a mormon, What do you

I am a mormon, What do you think about mormonism?

I think they're in a special cult of religious lunatics.

Very Mormon's picture
why do you think that?

why do you think that?

jamiebgood1's picture
I am morman

I am morman
Do u believe u will be a god after you die?

Very Mormon's picture
I believe that my goal on

I believe that my goal on earth is to learn how to be perfect, or at least as close as I can be, as for being a God, I do not know.


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