What are your problems with Christianity

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UnKnown's picture
What are your problems with Christianity

What are some your biggest reasons why you think Christianity is wrong. I myself am a Christian and would like to know reasons of disbelief. And it would be a blessing if you left some biblical quotes as well. :)

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Dave Matson's picture
It depends on whether you are
algebe's picture
Kurt Vonnegut identified a
UnKnown's picture
So the problem you are
algebe's picture
UnKnown's picture
So you base a religion on its
algebe's picture
UnKnown's picture
I believe all people have
algebe's picture
UnKnown's picture
What if those "out of context
chimp3's picture
There is nothing wrong with
Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - Westboro claim they
UnKnown's picture
This section of rules in
Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - This section of
UnKnown's picture
Read Hebrews 8. "By calling
MCDennis's picture
Yes. Shit like this in one
hermitdoc's picture
"Some people read a section
UnKnown's picture
Why would the bible being
algebe's picture
UnKnown's picture
1. 800 000 words of gibberish
algebe's picture
"Having one divine author for
UnKnown's picture
Our sinfulness is not
algebe's picture
UnKnown's picture
That fault would be with Tom.
MCDennis's picture
If you define the word
Czechczech's picture
Gods God. Not confined to
Czechczech's picture
Geez I really need to proof
algebe's picture
Isn't "Honor they father and
Czechczech's picture
Good question, I asked the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Invent a fictional problem:
Czechczech's picture
42- funny, 6 and 7 don't get


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