What are your opinions on banning one or more religions by law?

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Greenway Freenation's picture
What are your opinions on banning one or more religions by law?

What are your opinions on banning one or more religions by law in a country? Should a secular government permit freedom of religion, or can that right be deprived of a person visiting an "atheist sanctuary country"?

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Sky Pilot's picture
Ghost Liberty,
Flamenca's picture
Banning one/all/no religion
Sky Pilot's picture
Flamenca's picture
@Diotrephes You would have
algebe's picture
@Flamencabot: "what it should
Flamenca's picture
@Algebe, we must arise a
David_Holloway's picture
I don't believe in it. You're
CyberLN's picture
“What are your opinions on
LostLocke's picture
I like Seth MacFarlane's
mykcob4's picture
Banning? No!
Burn Your Bible's picture
I don't think banning
ZeffD's picture
"If we want religion to go
MCDennis's picture
Banning religions, Hell no.
Greenway Freenation's picture
So far, based on the feedback
California Girl's picture
I want to move to Greenway!
Flamenca's picture
No person who maintains
Tin-Man's picture
"Should we ban/outlaw
Tin-Man's picture
"The right not to practice

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