Was the forbidden fruit actually an apple?

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Onwem's picture
Was the forbidden fruit actually an apple?

I wonder if the forbidden fruit was actually an apple? Are apples really that old? Is there a chance that perhaps it was some other fruit that's now extinct? What do you think?
Oh and also, assuming it really was an apple, I wonder how it made it out of the Garden of Eden. Your thoughts, please, if any. :-)
Thanks. *takes a bow*

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damanar's picture
Most decidedly not, the only
Onwem's picture
Hi Damanar. Thanks for
lcarledwards's picture
I thought it was a metaphor
damanar's picture
That would be the allegorical
TW Duke's picture
Yeah, that's what I've always
Zaphod's picture
I don't think the fruit was
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Which is the typical lesson
Zaphod's picture
Agreed! Its almost as if some
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Actually that's exactly what
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm actually confused as to
mysticrose's picture
I agree that it was just a
dtommy79's picture
Yeah, that was just a
samking009's picture
Definitely not apple. However
James's picture
The apple simply resepresents
rider's picture
Could be, could be not. It
SammyShazaam's picture
Probably not. I'm pretty sure
SammyShazaam's picture
In discourse with a friend, I
efpierce's picture
I had heard somewhere that it
firebolt's picture
The fruit was just that, a
TW Duke's picture
And out of the ground made
mysticrose's picture
I'm thinking also of the
TW Duke's picture
Did Jack really climb a
Rob's picture
LOL TW Duke exactly. We are

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