The vatican can't find any atheists - They will be trying again in May

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
The vatican can't find any atheists - They will be trying again in May

I just read an interesting article on the vatican's history of out reach to atheists - Understanding Unbelievers. It started in 1969 after vatican II. The only problem was they couldn't figure out how to find atheists.

They will be having another conference in Rome in May 2019. I've signed up for the registration/ mailing list. I've got PLENTY to tell them.

Most of the researchers seem to be in the UK.

Courtyard of the Gentiles = vatican secretariat to talk to unbelievers.

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David Killens's picture
Right off the bat this bunch
Fleeing in Terror's picture
My label for myself is
David Killens's picture
You can also inform them that
arakish's picture
@ David
Nyarlathotep's picture
I don't have the authority
arakish's picture
@ Nyarlathotep
Randomhero1982's picture
Send a group of atheists into


Attach Image/Video?: 

comoke1024's picture
@Randomhero, I laughed a lot
Cognostic's picture
Or pregnant. Oh, wait a
Randomhero1982's picture
Or pregnant. Oh, wait a
Cognostic's picture
Yes, yes, God moves in
chimp3's picture
I left the Catholic Church
WrongVerb's picture
If any god existed, no one
jay-h's picture
They're too busy sucking up
chimp3's picture
For the OP! I might be a bit
Fleeing in Terror's picture
What did the reporter I
chimp3's picture
That's funny Mrs Paul. I'll
Fleeing in Terror's picture
It is also Mrs. P.O.
jay-h's picture
Quite obviously its a

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