"Trolls" on Atheist Republic Facebook Page.

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Chris T.'s picture
"Trolls" on Atheist Republic Facebook Page.

Is anyone here subscribed to the Atheist Republic Facebook page? If so, do you have problem with the vast amount of "trolling" being demonstrated on the page? I'm here to testify that it is out of control and needs to be dealt with by Atheist Republic ASAP. There are several posters that post the same "dribble" on every post harrising other posters by posting the same argument over and over refusing to acknowledge refutes and claiming no one has addressed their questioning, no matter how many times someone has actually addressed them. I actually had one girl that told me there is no evidence that a bat is not a bird. After posting a Wikipedia link, to a bat. She says that is not evidence and I should stop evading the question. I also had another guy claiming that I have not addressed his questioning even though the entire room was in agreement that I did. He just kept repeating the question, changing the subject, ignoring refutes, and just annoying the hell out of everyone. Atheist Republic, this a very poor screening job from you. People want to enjoy an intelligent discussion about a topic, not battle trolls.

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Ellie Harris's picture
The page is meticulously
Brian Flowers's picture
have you considered the point
Chris T.'s picture
I'm pretty sure its trolling.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
i haven't met a theist which
Chris T.'s picture
Good point. Its like
Ellie Harris's picture
Chris T. is there something
Chris T.'s picture
Sure, shoot.
mysticrose's picture
I follow the page but I don't

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