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Keith Raye's picture
Sinner: You obviously haven't
Darren Koch's picture
MYKCOB- Bible wasn't written
mykcob4's picture
The Council of Nicea created
LogicFTW's picture
The findings of math and how
Darren Koch's picture
MYKCOB- are you saying the
mykcob4's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Darren Koch's picture
When were the Canon's written
mykcob4's picture
The Canons Sinner? A Canon is
Darren Koch's picture
I'll end it here, cuz we're
chimp3's picture
It is still nonsense no
mykcob4's picture
Nope Sinner, you are wrong on
Darren Koch's picture
Keith- we had such a good
Darren Koch's picture
Mykcob4- I know those guys
mykcob4's picture
@Sinner I never said that
Keith Raye's picture
Entertainment? Now, there's a
Darren Koch's picture
MYkcob4- " so far, there is
mykcob4's picture
Prove it, Sinner. Prove
Darren Koch's picture
Mykcob4- you stated, if I'm
mykcob4's picture
Let's do the math Sinner.
Aposteriori unum's picture
@sinner :If you feel that


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