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Darren Koch's picture last word

Thanks for all the back and forth- thought I'd piss all my new friends off one last time...

You all gotta get over all this "prove it" bs, whether u ever accept Christianity or not. I'm sure we all believe in plenty that hasn't ever been scientifically proven based on natural law...evolution (which I have no problem with), human emotion, reason, gravity! Anyone not believe in gravity because it's still a theory? It's effects (affects..whatever) are all around us, but we can't prove it...kinda like you know who.

Ask 1,000,000 Christians "what is God", and I'd bet anything the #1 answer is "love". God IS love. Love exists. Anyone not believe love is real because it hasn't been scientifically proven?
God is supernatural, not natural. Can't prove supernatural beings or energies with natural law. I'd bet anything plenty of you believe in intelligent life outside of Earth...stands to reason for some. Can you prove it? Plus, contrary to popular and arrogant human belief, it is OK to simply admit that our minds can't comprehend everything.

Thanks for an interesting few days. I'm out for now (sure your upset, but it'll be Ok!). Hope you find your truth, whatever that may be...just as long as it is, in fact true. Not "scientifically proven", but true.

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Keith Raye's picture
Dear oh deary, me. What can
chimp3's picture
There will be other sinners
Keith Raye's picture
I don't doubt it, Chimp3. But
LostLocke's picture
You just said "...gravity's
Keith Raye's picture
LostLocke: Could you please
LostLocke's picture
Sorry. Yeah this format is a
Keith Raye's picture
Yes, it does take a bit of
mykcob4's picture
Bye Sinner. Don't let the
Keith Raye's picture
Aw, come on, mykcob4, is
Darren Koch's picture
Sorry guys, I misworded that-
Keith Raye's picture
Try me, sinner, I'm a
Darren Koch's picture
Thanks Mr. Raye- don't
Keith Raye's picture
You either want to or you don
mykcob4's picture
Keith Raye
Keith Raye's picture
mykob4 There's lot I could
LogicFTW's picture
I have not been on these
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sinner - Anyone not believe
Darren Koch's picture
Keith- thank you very much
LogicFTW's picture
I feel Christians (and other
Keith Raye's picture
Let me begin by saying that,
mykcob4's picture
Darren Koch's picture
Logic- I agree that
LogicFTW's picture
If you agree/believe in the
Keith Raye's picture
Mathematics plays more than a
Keith Raye's picture
As for offending me, Sinner,
mykcob4's picture
@Keith Raye
Keith Raye's picture
Oooh! Did I touch a raw spot,
Darren Koch's picture
Logic- I can appreciate your
mykcob4's picture
Prove it, Sinner. Prove jesus
LogicFTW's picture


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