The first emotion tied to religion is that of self-importance. The concept that we (as individuals) have some meaning in the grand scheme of things is part of our genetic structure. Our ability to analyze threats to our own health and safety is one of the key features of our development. When you consider the fragile hardware that we are equipped with, self-importance only makes sense if we are to have any hope of promoting our lineage.
From that one emotion spawns a new one; the fear of death. The original belief that we are important in this reality makes the notion of slipping out of this world that much more pivotal. From there we can add another emotion that ties us to religion; the fear of the unknown. It's easier to be convinced we know something we've been told than to consider the alternative.
There are many reasons to think that our emotions should lead the way, we use them on a daily basis to make decisions. But there are just as many reasons to suggest that our emotions are not dependable. I believe in the dependability of logical testing and less in the dependability of emotional judgments.
“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
What do you believe?
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