How can you say that there's no God ?? then how did the earth come and who made it ? see that pencil ?does the pencil make itself ? see there's a God.
my answer : wow congratulation you're super smart
ok then who made your fuckin stupid damn God
how did your God came dumbass
tired of this shit
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You have to live the muppets standard argument from incredulity.
Countless Gods have origins and families. The biblical Yahweh = the God of the Hebrews and the God of the armies = is one of the ones that don't. Even Yeshua has an origin.
It is unnecessary to use harsh word to convey the message considering this is ongoing topic. When I was applying for uni I met a guy who's been there for a year studying theology. He said one of the discussion topic was in finding the nature of God - as one of them, such as how can there be a being that can't be seen? what is eternal?
One of the translator who translates Al Ghazzali book he said that he noticed Al Ghazzali once slip that can be considered heretic view in Islam. It is not easy topic, but many people did and still doing it with sound mind.
Your question had been penned by Al Ghazzali more than 1000 years ago while he was in the Mosque, in his 10 years seclusion. Here is his mysterious pen:
The dumbest question that every believer ask an atheist is:
"Were you molested or something that turned you away from god?"
Theists always believe that one has to have suffered some sort of tragedy that caused them to not believe in a god. They can't fathom that it is pure logic that makes people decide to accept reality and become an atheist.
When theist ask me if something happened to me to not believe in their god, I should respond by saying " Yeah, I asked a question that they couldn't answer."
and what might that question be?
I assume you are asking me.
I questioned if their god is real.
That means that they have to prove their god, which they can never do. Oh sure, they give answers like "You have to have faith" and "because the bible tells me so", and other flimsy excuses, but they never answer the question now, do they?
"You habe to have faith" and " because the bible said so" !! are you sure you've done a research?
Those are pretty standard responses, at least in the U.S. from Christians.
Don't be smug. Research? The OP asked me dumb questions asked. I have heard those questions countless of times and that constitutes sufficient research in this instance. So, YES, I have done research.
If you embark on a line that I or atheists, in general, don't do research, you are sadly mistaken. Atheists research more than you would even venture to guess. Most atheists know more about various religions than the religious.
All I know about you is that you are a non-atheist. You don't know shit about me. My guess is that you singled out my post because you know of this particular interaction. My guess is that you have a heated debate or argument over it. I don't know that to be true but I strongly suspect it.
Also as a point of interest, you made a glaring typo. I don't really care as I know what you meant. Grammarly may help you. I make typos all the time and Grammarly helps me a great deal.
yeah right & same think with Islam
since i'm an ex-Muslim
The stupidest question I have been asked is "If monkeys turned into people, why are there still monkeys?"
"Er, You got me there Einstein! Let me get back to you on that!" (Backing away)
The "dumbest" question I've heard a theist ask an atheist is; "You don't believe in God! How do you live your life!?"
Response; "I live my life by trying to treat each and every person how I would like to be treated. Not because an ancient book tells me to or out of fear of being smited, but because it is the right thing to do."
One of them was on here in regard to evolution and how whales have evolved to be bigger but how that must been they can regress to a small fish...
Errr... not a fish pal....
"God loves you, how could you not believe in him?"
Maybe not the dumbest, but one of the ones I come across the most. Proof of god is a human emotion?
Kind of like saying: the tooth fairy is real because: angry.
It has always impressed me that using "God" to answer the question of how the Universe came to be is not really an answer, it's just a re-labeling of your ignorance. At least when a scientist says, "I don't know", there's an implied, "but I may be able to find out" that follows. When a theist invokes "God" as a supposed explanation, that answer is supposed to be complete and final.
Not a question, but a stupid statement. Theist friend remarked how moral I am. I said I lived my life ethically because it's the right thing to do and makes me respect myself. He said that was sinful. I should do good "for fear of the Lord". Sheesh! How medieval can you get?
Hah! I would retort right back: "I do not fear imaginary things. I only fear real people that believe in imaginary things, especially if they outnumber me and wish me harm."