The strong faith some people have

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Rob's picture
The strong faith some people have

I can see a possitive side to those who have a really strong faith and follow their religion properly. I have an aunt who lost her daughter last year to cancer. They lived together alone and she passed away at 42, all they had was eachother and obviously the rest of the family cared for them, but the two of them always lived alone in a house.

When she died, my aun said that this was gods will and took it very well. She feels depressed every now and then but her faith helped her a lot. This is not something that makes me want to become religious, but I do respect those that have strog faith for a good purpose.

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Zaphod's picture
Agreed, I am always saying
Rob's picture
100% agreed that people who
SammyShazaam's picture
People who do not deal well
efpierce's picture
Sometimes I think it would be
SammyShazaam's picture
I made that same decision
DesolateProphet's picture
Those of us who have left the
SammyShazaam's picture
Agreed, it's really hard to
firebolt's picture
How did we get to Sammy tying
SammyShazaam's picture
Lol, in the bonds of religion

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