Stop saying Hitler was a Christian. At most a lapsed Catholic.

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Danpill's picture
Stop saying Hitler was a Christian. At most a lapsed Catholic.

Hitler was in fact not a Christian, he manipulated the masses through a variety of different ways. One of his ways was to self-identify as Christian since Europe was mostly Christian back then, Hitler wrote in a private diary kept away from the masses that he was not a Christian. Common misconception.

Hitler was a lapsed Catholic and most german Catholics didn't vote for him in the 1933 election.
Plus he set a new pagan religion for Nazi Germany. I wonder what sort of Catholic is this.

Especially when Hitler killed a lot of catholic priests and was against religion.
If you want proof just look up how pope John Paul II barely escaped from the nazis.

Hitler didn't rage war because of religion, he never did what he did for religion, Hitler was a political strategist, he used whatever he could to get the results he wanted, he was not trying to conquer everybody he could, for a god.

And that last paragraph and atheist said to me so.

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Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Stop saying Hitler was a
fruyian's picture
I agree with some of what you
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
watchman's picture
mickron88's picture
"Where did you get this
Sapporo's picture
If we stop saying that Hitler
Sheldon's picture
HE was a Christian, get over
ZeffD's picture
I am not a lapsed Catholic.
Sky Pilot's picture
Who cares if Hitler was a
Sheldon's picture
You have to marvel at the
Sky Pilot's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
Dave Matson's picture
Sheldon's picture
Good post, very well reasoned
sjewins's picture
"My feeling as a Christian
Sheldon's picture
Outstanding post. You can
Tin-Man's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Cognostic's picture
OMG: The Nazi movement was a
ZeffD's picture
I think this is revealing
algebe's picture
@Towerpiller: John Paul II
algebe's picture
And did anybody mention the
Sheldon's picture
So whats the implied point of
mykcob4's picture
@Tower piller
mykcob4's picture
Fucking PROVE it Towerpiller.
algebe's picture
@Towerpiller: Hitler wrote in
Sky Pilot's picture
Sapporo's picture
Stop saying Hitler.
Randy the Atheist's picture
Hitler was a christian. He


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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
At the OP...*BOOM*


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