Should atheists celebrate Christmas

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Mr secular's picture
Should atheists celebrate Christmas

It may give Christians an increased sense of Christianity in America, hence making them further see it as a Christian nation and boostin their ego.

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Johnathan Graham's picture
My family and myself do not
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Everybody should celebrate
Nyarlathotep's picture
This year we are celebrating
Domingo De Santa Clara's picture
Festivus for the restivus...
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Why does it matter? I mean,
Travis Hedglin's picture
We should. We should take
Zaphod's picture
I like this post but feel for
Travis Hedglin's picture
If you want to celebrate
Zaphod's picture
"If someone NEEDS a religious
Travis Hedglin's picture
Well, you should celebrate
watchman's picture
Damn Right ....
CyberLN's picture
The title of the OP is
Michael J. Vecore's picture
I don't see why not. I know
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
sounds fun cyber
Domingo De Santa Clara's picture
I do celebrate xmas but not
silasmotionless's picture
I just celebrate Christmas as
CyberLN's picture
Welcome to the site.
silasmotionless's picture
Thank you :)
Michael Aaron Ott's picture
Celebrate or participate? I
Chris T.'s picture
I don't see why not. Its not
mysticrose's picture
Why not! Holiday season is a

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