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Sheldon's picture
To be clear this question was
arakish's picture
Diotrophes: It was perfectly
Sky Pilot's picture
Sapporo's picture
The issue is that Muhammad
Sheldon's picture
Precisely, so either
Sapporo's picture
@Searching for truth doesn't
Sheldon's picture
He voices it with an
arakish's picture
@ Sheldon Re: "I mean no one
Sapporo's picture
To be fair to @Searching for
arakish's picture
Which I suppose means no
Sheldon's picture
Tempus fugit SFT?
Sheldon's picture
We're still waiting SFT? You
Sapporo's picture
I suspect that the reason
Sheldon's picture
It's his beliefs , and
arakish's picture
Or as I have said, he already
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
The person this thread was
Cognostic's picture
People like SFT just keep
Sheldon's picture
Nothing wrong with the direct
David Killens's picture
I do Cognostic because
toto974's picture
I find it entertaining to
Ramo Mpq's picture


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Sheldon's picture
It's edifying to see you
Tin-Man's picture
@Sheldon Re: "Run along now
Sheldon's picture
Sorry but lambs don't concern
xenoview's picture
Ramo Mpq's picture


Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
See, a fraidy cat. rmfr
David Killens's picture
Searching for truth
Sheldon's picture
Why would anyone mind you?
Sky Pilot's picture


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