Seven Days
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So THIS is where you got this BS about "day" not meaning "day." Yahoo answers? Wow, talk about third-hand information. I should have researched where you came up with this shit before I wasted my time. Come on PM. If I'm being insulting, I apologize, but I just can't abide this as a reliable source of factual evidence to base a whole line of debate on.
So THIS is where you got this BS about "day" not meaning "day." Yahoo answers? Wow, talk about third-hand information. I should have researched where you came up with this shit before I wasted my time. Come on PM. If I'm being insulting, I apologize, but I just can't abide this as a reliable source of factual evidence to base a whole line of debate on.
PM: I've never been there.
Oh come on it's verbatim of your OP. As far as looking at bible gateway further, no need. I don't need bible gateway's interpretation, all I needed was actual Genesis text.
See that's the problem with your assertion. You are depending on some else's or YOUR opinion of what the text means instead of the actual text.
PM : Genesis uses the words "and there was evening and morning" at the end each verse describing the creation of the first through third days. On the fourth day God creates the sun. The verses describing the creation of the fourth through sixth day also reference "evening and morning" as markers of a day-like period. On which day do you believe God set the earth in orbit around the sun and caused it to turn on its own axis thereby creating "day" as we know it.?
Edit : PM ! Do you speak Classical Hebrew? If not , what qualifies you to interpret Genesis from Hebrew or to attest to the accuracy of the interpretations you quote from?
Aren't we getting the cart before the horse on this? It's irrelevant whether or not the biblical wording of day stood for 12 hours, 24 hours, or 13.82 billion years. The linguistic gymnastics of getting that circle to square has no bearing on the validity of the claim that a wizard poofed it all into existence. To argue about a demonstrably non-starter of an argument seems odd to me. It's fun to watch, though.
The true problem with the Bible (whatever version) is what happens after the "creation" (see below)
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God is not real :D
In order to disprove something, you must be willing to use said something against those who except it even if you don't. Pointing out the flaws in what they believe is a good first step.