Saudi Arabia calls atheism and feminism extremism...

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Titilayo's picture
Saudi Arabia calls atheism and feminism extremism...

Saudi Arabia's state security agency says a social media post on one of its accounts that categorised feminism as extremism was a mistake.

The promotional video categorised feminism, homosexuality and atheism as dangerous ideas and warned Saudis to be vigilant against them.

The security agency says it is investigating the video.

Saudi Arabia is trying to shake off its image as one of the most repressive countries in the world for women.

The animated clip was posted to the Twitter account of the State Security Presidency over the weekend. The agency reports directly to King Salman.

Source; BBC

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Saudi Arabia is trying to
toto974's picture
Honestly I don't care, per se
Grinseed's picture
The security agency
Cognostic's picture
Secularists doing their jobs
rubiowork11's picture
>Saudi Arabia calls atheism


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Cognostic's picture
How dare they pair atheism
Wlacmonka's picture
Hello. It's very important
minionrush's picture
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