Satan vs god

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Burn Your Bible's picture
Satan vs god

Let's assume for a second both god and Satan ( of the Bible ) are real...
how do you tell which one is good vs which one is evil?

Both can deceive you
Both have abilities above our understanding
Both were before man

What mechanisms do you use?

Let's start with this god said if Adam and Eve eat from the tree they will die... Satan said if they eat they won't die they will gain knowledge
Satan was the one telling the truth...

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algebe's picture
Satan will be an elegantly
jonthecatholic's picture
Wow. Without knowing it, you
algebe's picture
But which is which?
jonthecatholic's picture
Satan as well trimmed and God
algebe's picture
Jon the Catholic: "the road
Benjboi's picture
Careful algebe, that sounds
algebe's picture
@Benjboi: "that sounds
Keith Raye's picture
The devil wears Prada. He
chimp3's picture
God would have the most
Jeff Bradt's picture
Far worse than a serial
AJ777's picture
He must exist in order to be
Burn Your Bible's picture
First you must show that the
algebe's picture
@AJ777 "He must exist in
AJ777's picture
I suggest you carefully read
chimp3's picture
Genesis is not a Christian
AJ777's picture
Sure about that?
Burn Your Bible's picture
Are you going to say that
Burn Your Bible's picture
“The Lord God took the man
Burn Your Bible's picture
And aj777 your lack of an
Keith Raye's picture
There's also the small point
Keith Raye's picture
There's also the small point
AJ777's picture
He created you and I as well.
Burn Your Bible's picture
Why do you always run away???
Keith Raye's picture
mykcob4's picture
AJ777's picture
Do you have any examples?
Keith Raye's picture
Darren Koch's picture
Keith- Of course God made
Keith Raye's picture
Oh, hello Sinner, sweetie, I
Darren Koch's picture
Mykcob4- please prove the


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