Rev. Gretta Vosper - professed atheist leading Canadian UCC church

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
Rev. Gretta Vosper - professed atheist leading Canadian UCC church

The NYT had an article on page A6 about the Rev. Gretta Vosper a professed atheist leading a Canadian United Church of Canada congregation.

And you were all insistent that atheism isn't a religion.

But Seriously, she has been getting a lot of flack and support and I thought the group here would be interested in the discussion.

I chimed in and told both sides they should count their blessings that she isn't a Catholic pedophile capable only of believing in a holy penis that allows them to rape children and the mentally disabled with impunity.

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algebe's picture
@Mrs. Paul Owczarek
Sky Pilot's picture
Here are links to her Wiki
Cognostic's picture
I would not attend and I

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