remembering a Giant

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bigbill's picture
remembering a Giant

On December 14th a real giant among pastors passed away, And I am talking about r.c. Sproul of the reformed persuasion: He brought alot of people to Jesus Christ with his ministry from first Pittsburgh then later from Orlando Florida his radio program reached millions as did his ministry his radio program called renewing your mind was heard here in where I live faithfully for years. RC was very down to earth who new that he was a sinner and in need of a savior. As far as I can see is that he never looked down on any given person and he was always open to discuss why he taught the doctrines that he did .MAY he rest in peace and rejoice with the Lord.

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Jared Alesi's picture
And may his body avoid being
algebe's picture
@Agnostic Believer: "MAY he
Jared Alesi's picture
He can't decide. I mean,
Jared Alesi's picture
At least his shitty grammar
algebe's picture
@Jared Alesi: "At least his
Tin-Man's picture
Awwww.... I was really hoping
algebe's picture
@Tin-man: "I was really
Tin-Man's picture
Algebe, your logic is uncanny
bigbill's picture
I`m simply saying what he
Sheldon's picture
How would you feel if some
mykcob4's picture
Giant my ass. Giant pain in
bigbill's picture
he didn`t die of cancer but
mykcob4's picture
he was a snake oil salesman
bigbill's picture
You say that you served your
Jared Alesi's picture
If what my uncle says is to
Aposteriori unum's picture
Respect is not a right, it's
algebe's picture
Yep. And nobody has the right
algebe's picture
Agnostic Believer:
LostLocke's picture
Respect and authority are two
Tin-Man's picture
@AB. Re: Respect
mykcob4's picture
Wow, that is a lot of
Sheldon's picture
Even for a religious
Jared Alesi's picture
If the word "televangelist"
chimp3's picture
People who have PhDs in
Nyarlathotep's picture
I wish I could agree about a
Sheldon's picture
A doctorate in unicorn
arakish's picture
@ agnostic believer
mykcob4's picture
Well, there you have it AG.
bigbill's picture
yes I see clearly jesus
Jared Alesi's picture
If what you read here is hard


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