Religion isn't the mere belief in a creator

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Lisa Williams's picture
Religion isn't the mere belief in a creator

Okay, so one thing that i've noticed quite a lot of people think is that to be religious, you just believe that the world was created by God. I really can't stress enough that this isn't the case; religion is based on the foundations of scriptures - telling its followers how to live their lives and hence oppressing them. Take Buddhism as an example - the Buddha never claimed divine revelation. Buddhists work towards achieving enlightenment/nirvana, however, this idea comes from a religious scripture.
Religion undermines humanity's intelligence. It is evil and a form of dictatorship. It needs to be banned.

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watchman's picture
@ Lisa Williams ....
xenoview's picture
Lisa Williams
algebe's picture
@Xenoview: "All religious
xenoview's picture
algebe's picture
@Xenoview: "Banning religion
Burn Your Bible's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Burn your bible - ...she told
Lisa Williams's picture
I've experienced the exact
SunDog's picture
Right fucking on!
curious's picture
"religion is based on the
Discere's picture
The beauty of the sheep's
Lisa Williams's picture
You won't feel like you are.
rattail788's picture
You don't have to feel
Lisa Williams's picture
@RatTail788 I'm very sorry to
curious's picture
"following the shepherd
Discere's picture
That's the problem, my friend
Lisa Williams's picture
@Discere You're absolutely
curious's picture
"Take Islam as an example -
Keith Raye's picture
Lisa Williams's picture
@Keith Raye So are you saying
Keith Raye's picture
@Lisa Williams
Lisa Williams's picture
@Keith Raye And how would you
Keith Raye's picture
@Lisa Williams
Lisa Williams's picture
@Keith Raye Firstly, I would
Keith Raye's picture
@Lisa Williams
Discere's picture
I'm afraid I have to agree
algebe's picture
@Zwalja: "Maybe that is the
curious's picture
Virtue? I was not talking
MCDennis's picture
yes, theist religions have
phetaroi's picture
That's right. I mean we


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