Reasons for being an athiest

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questioner's picture
Reasons for being an athiest

I was just wondering what people's reasons were for being an atheist or why they don't believe in god.

My personal reasons are that I can't believe that there is a person or "god" that is controlling the world/universe. How can that be possible? I believe in science and fact and the fact is that the universe was created by the Big Bang. We have actual proof that that happened, not that god created the earth. Any ways, how could someone know that the earth was created in 7 days because (according to that theory) no one was alive then.

Another reason is that I can't see how an all powerful god could let millions of people die like in the Holocaust or epidemics. How could a god let babies die and people get cancer and get raped? That physical and mental trauma that occurs because of those scenarios is unimaginable, so why would a god let people go through that.

I don't like all the bullshit excuses that "god has a plan for us all" or that "everything happens for a reason".

I think people need to wake up and see what reality is, yet I am understanding that people should be able to believe in what they want because I don't like when people put me down, give me grief, or try to shut me up when I talk about my beliefs.

So...what are your reasons? :)

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Ellie Harris's picture
I'm atheist because the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I am an atheist because that
questioner's picture
Why do you say its the most
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Well, the first thing you do
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You do this unconciosly when
SammyShazaam's picture
I don't see Christianity as
Lmale's picture
Well said props!
ImFree's picture
My main point of reference
Nyarlathotep's picture
Reminds me of a story I read
CyberLN's picture
I wonder what percentage of
Johnathan Graham's picture
I'm an atheist because(to's picture
The claims of atheism are
Spewer's picture
What are "the claims of's picture
You would do well to read
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You have a bad definition of
master mason's picture
I´m an Atheist just because I
Tim Melnik's picture
Your comment is only half
Tim Melnik's picture
Your comment is only half
CyberLN's picture we go again...
Tim Melnik's picture
What proof? Simple.....lets
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
What if i told you that there
Tim Melnik's picture
Hey man....guess what!!
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I usually do not do this but
aestival's picture
You are demonstrably wrong,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Even if by some "Miracle"
Tim Melnik's picture
Unlike humans, who are made
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Bullshit squared
Tim Melnik's picture
"I guess you found that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
CyberLN's picture
Tim, your response to my


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