Question To Muslims! SERIOUSLY? FOR REAL?

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SUPERNOVA's picture
Question To Muslims! SERIOUSLY? FOR REAL?

Hi Folks,

Back! This time im totally pissed OFF. Yes you heard that right!.

2 days ago i was at the book library looking for a book to read, Checked the Scientific and Psychics area and this guy walked in to me asking what im looking for and i thought hey! Great he's working here so that's pretty helpful. Turns out he's not and he was just looking for someone to talk to.

He asked me what im looking for and i said. Just looking around! I couldn't tell him that im an Atheist and Anti-Theism.

The guy was asking a lot of question and pushing the buttons and we were at book library for fuck sake. Shut it up already. As he kept asking me i had honestly to just let it out and whispered in his ear saying I'M AN ATHEIST. I promise you this the guy's reaction is speechless! He looked behind him and looked back at me and says "Did you say Atheist?" I said Yes. Atheist and Anti-Theism.

He froze like a statue as they don't usually get to see a Moroccan Atheist walking to a book library looking for something to read. I put my life in danger when he asked me to debate him outside in the lobby and lighten up his ideas and educate him more. In fact he was well Moroccan educated. DUH! Means they taught him what they really want him to know. LOL Poor guy wasted his entire life on a false education.

I took a risk and went there and we start talking. We have randomly talked about the creation and the existent of GOD. Where did all this come from etc..!!

He asked me a lot of questions but i'll mention 3 of them following my answers. I promise he interrupted me the entire time and i can barley speak.

1- Can you create something out of nothing?

My answer was YES/NO. You can't create something out of nothing. And you can create something out of nothing.

In order to contemplate the universe creating itself from nothing, you must first accept the proposition that something can be created from nothing . That is tenable only in the quantum realm, so applying it to the universe presumes a quantum scale for the universe. If we track the big bang backward to a stage when it was less than an atomic diameter, then the whole universe must be treated by quantum mechanical methods. At a scale far below the size of a nucleus, if we envision the universe as proceeding from a singularity, you would have a sizzling sea of quarks, with particles and antiparticles continually being created and annihilating one another. Nothing comes from nothing

2- Do you feel the energy? Can you see it?

My answer was Yes i can feel someone else's energy when i shake their hand or touch their body but i can't see it with my own eye but you can still See/Detect it using third party tools.

3- Can you see Gravity?

You can't see or 'feel' gravity because your nervous system is differential. Unless you are skydiving and jumping from the sky! Which your body feels less lighter than when you are on the ground.

The guy was pretty much asking me questions he thought i wouldn't be able to answer then i asked him the same question and the only one.

1- Can you create something out of nothing?

He's answer was NO you can't create something out of nothing but GOD was always there!!!!!!!!!!

FOR FUCK SAKE! I have given you an answer following with an example and you telling me GOD was always fucking there? Proof it don't tell me he's there unless you have a scientific evidence of his existence.

Religions are OK with God coming from nothing but not the universe? Are you For real?

Later We have got into religious topics and Next i have asked him a very awkward question:

2- Would you marry a 6 years child?


Then it hit me! He doesn't know that he's Prophet Muhammad married Aisha at the age of 6! I Grabbed him quickly without saying a word. Looked for Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236 :and showed him this very marked proof of Muhammad marrying a child at the age of 6.

"Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old." Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236 :


I promise i throw up a little in my mouth and i told him so! Then i got quickly angry at him for being a hypocrite for what he says earlier.


He didn't wanna admit that Muhammad was a child molester and he was wrong in the first place and needed to apologize for being hypocrite.

Couldn't listen to his non sense explanations and just walked away for being late for the train.

My question to Muslims is:


You criticize and prosecute anyone who marries girls at the age of 14 or less but it's okay for your Fake ASS Prophet Muhammad to Marry a 6 years CHILD?

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Sky Pilot's picture
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"And the age of consent was 7
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I'm going to call B.S. on
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Sadly there are cases where 6
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Hey there, Glacier.
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"1- Can you create something
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@ TheBlindWatchmaker "I
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Thank you, That is
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"2- Do you feel the energy?
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@Tasnim Mohammed,
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@Tasnim Mohammed,
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@Tasnim Mohammed
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@Tasnim ......
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Who could have mentioned in


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