Preacher Anne Graham Lotz: The Solar Eclipse is God Judging America.

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xenoview's picture
Preacher Anne Graham Lotz: The Solar Eclipse is God Judging America.

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LogicFTW's picture
Lawl. Ancient civilizations

Lawl. Ancient civilizations thousands of years ago had the tools to predict eclipses with accuracy. I guess god had a plan to judge people around the area of this particular eclipse, in a solar pattern we humans knew about for thousands of years. I guess god has a schedule to keep when judging? (Instead of based on the actions of the humans at any given time.)

xenoview's picture
I live in Missouri, which is

I live in Missouri, which is in the full eclipse zone. I guess that god has special judgement for all the states in the full eclipse zone.

MCDennis's picture
What an idiot. Religions

What an idiot. Religions ruin everything.

algebe's picture
Total eclipse of the brain

Total eclipse of the brain

Alembé's picture
If anything really bad

If anything really bad coincidentally happens in the US in the week after the eclipse (earthquake, fire, flood, POTUS medical emergency), you can bet that some nut will surface blaming it on the "evil" eclipse.

Randomhero1982's picture
I hear Trump is planning to

I hear Trump is planning to build a wall to stop it

chimp3's picture
I will be in the path of

I will be in the path of totality 30 miles from the prime viewing site. I will remain rational unless the period of totality extends past three minutes. Then I might have to sacrifice something.

algebe's picture
@Chimp3: "I will be in the

@Chimp3: "I will be in the path of totality"

Lucky!!!! You'll see the corona and the diamond ring. I've seen partials in England and New Zealand, but never a total one. Let us know if you see face the face of god (or maybe Elvis) in the blacked out disk.

LogicFTW's picture
If you must sacrifice

If you must sacrifice somebody, pick an evangelical, 2 birds one stone and all that.

CyberLN's picture
I'll be under it. Looking

I'll be under it. Looking forward to seeing it. Won't be able to report if I am struck dead during it but will sure let everyone know if anyone around me is. ;-)

Alembé's picture
Our friend's "lake house" is

Our friend's "lake house" is in totality. We'll drop by there, should be just over 2 1/2 minutes of totality.

xenoview's picture
What time is the eclipse?

What time is the eclipse?

Alembé's picture
It depends where you are
Randomhero1982's picture
I can't wait to see the

I can't wait to see the flattards model of this, will piss myself!

Very jealous of you Americans, I hope some of you guys and girls can share some wonderful pictures on here.

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