Prayer before a Meal

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MCDennis's picture
Prayer before a Meal

I attended a family gathering recently. Before we ate, it was announced that everyone should bow their heads in prayer... and what followed was a minute or so of fundamentalist b.s. I didn't bother to bow my head or clasp my hands in prayer. What do you do in similar situations? Are you offended? Should we be offended?

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xenoview's picture
I don't think you should be
algebe's picture
"What do you do in similar
Randomhero1982's picture
No, everyone is entitled to
SunDog's picture
Do you think the people cared
MCDennis's picture
If they knew they would
SunDog's picture
Do you think the people cared
phetaroi's picture
I have been known to follow
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
I think its fine provided it
chimp3's picture
I am not offended. I simply
Martin Angelo Sunesen's picture
I just stay silent looking
SBMontero's picture
MCD: As you know, I'm
mbrownec's picture
SBMontero's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Yeshua said that people
MCDennis's picture
I did not know that. And now
Pitar's picture
It's a ridiculous and

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