Pensacola Taxpayers Have Spent Over $130,000 To Defend Giant Cross

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xenoview's picture
Pensacola Taxpayers Have Spent Over $130,000 To Defend Giant Cross

Seems the government of pensacola has no problem spending the taxpayers money defending a giant cross.

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Sky Pilot's picture


There's supposed to be about 51,923 people in Pensacola. So it's cost each one about $2.50 each for the lawyers' bill.

LogicFTW's picture
Of course there are children

Of course there are children and people that pay little to no taxes. So the amount of actual tax payers drops down to about 12k people, so the actual tax payers pay at least $10 for this. With no recourse other than to fire the elected representatives of that city.

algebe's picture
Those Pensacoal politicians

Those Pensacoal politicians are really committed christians, and they're willing to put other people's money on the line to prove it.

chimp3's picture
Do they think when Jesus

Do they think when Jesus returns he will fly to places with giant crosses. He will probably perceive that as a warning sign. As he should.

xenoview's picture
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