ONE BOOK tells Earths age

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Longwinded77's picture
ONE BOOK tells Earths age

       Our Earth is millions of years old. The bible tells us and science proves it.

1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
         In verse 2, the word "was" in the Hebrew is "tohu va bohu", which means and should have been so translated ''became". The only possible deduction from this is that God destroyed the world that was.

2 Peter 3:4-7
5. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
6. Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
7. But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

   (2 Peter 3:5-7) The error of scoffers.

     For this they willfully forget: The scoffers presume upon the mercy and longsuffering of God, insisting that because they have never seen a widespread judgment of God, that there will never be one. But they willfully forget God’s creation and the judgment God poured out on the earth in the days of Noah.

        #1. A literal belief in Creation, in Adam and Eve, and in Noah’s Flood are essential for a true understanding of God’s working both then and now. To deny these things undermines the very foundations of our faith. Sadly, today it is many Christians who willfully forget these things, putting themselves in the place of scoffers.

       That by the word of God the heavens were of old: The Bible clearly teaches that the active agent in creation was God’s word - He spoke, and creation came into being.

     #2. The world that then existed perished, being flooded with water: Peter’s point is that things on this earth have not always continued the way the are now. The earth was different when God first created it, then it was different again after the flood. Therefore no one should scoff at God’s promise that He will make it different again, judging it not with water, but with fire. The same word that created all matter, and judged the world in the flood will one day bring a judgment of fire upon the earth.
          Dinosaurs in the bible?...

       Let's go to Job Ch.40 and see what God tells Job about the dinosaur.

Job 40:15
Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee (Job); he eateth grass as an ox.

          "behemoth" - the Strong's Concordance H930 - bĕhemowth - an extinct dinosaur a Diplodocus or Brachiosaurus
"I made with thee" -  Don't look over this because our Father is telling Job, I made the Dinosaur and you were there Job, and the Dinosaur was in the first earth age as we went over.

Job 40:16
Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
His massive strength is in his loins: his force doth in his belly's muscles lie.

Job 40:17
He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews are of his stones (sinews from his thighs are firm) are wrapped (and entwined) together.

   cedar - A cedar tree is very tall and God says his tail moves like one. Wow! that's a long tail.

Job 40:18
His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.
Job 40:19
He is the chief (first, beginning) of the ways of God: he that made him (fashion, accomplish, make) can make his sword to approach (to draw near, approach) unto him.

       God created the Dinosaurs and God can approach the Dinosaurs if He wants and that is what God is saying to Job.

       So Job, and all people in the World who was ever born, and all that will be born were in the first Earth age in our spiritual body, in a different dimension along with Job.  And when we die we return to our spiritual body in Heaven as God created everyone that ever lived, born, and passed away as God says next in Eccl 12 and Mark 9.

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured (appeared from another dimension of spiritual bodies before them).

Mark9:3 And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them.

And there appeared unto them Elias ( Elijah) with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.

       Moses and Elijah came to this dimension from their spiritual bodies dimension and Jesus was transformed to His spiritual body all of which were in this flesh age but not in flesh bodies and Peter, and James, and John all saw them together.

        I pray that this has been as enlightening for you to read as it was for me, and to bring it to you in this message.
                     God bless.

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biggus dickus's picture
Dinos were like birds and

Dinos were like birds... and their (stones) did not show.



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xenoview's picture
Another OP that is TLDR. Need

Another OP that is TLDR. Need to post smaller OP's. Back to quoting the bible as proof of the age of the earth. The bible is not good evidence for anything, none of it can be tested or peer reviewed. The earth is around 4 billion years old, not millions.

LostLocke's picture
No where in that rambling OP

No where in that rambling OP was there anything presented from the Bible to say the earth is millions of years old. Or more accurately, billions of years old. All you keep saying is "This Hebrew word means old, and that Hebrew word means old."
Show me someone from the past who was able to come to the conclusion that Earth is ~4.5 billion years old just from reading the Bible.
And then of course let's not mention that people will use the very exact same Bible to "prove" that Earth is ~6 to 10 thousand years old....

Longwinded77's picture
Genenis 1:1

Genenis 1:1

Randomhero1982's picture
That simply says god created

That simply says god created the heavens and earth.

No proof, no evidence, no reason, no dates, no time...

This can dismissed and filed under B for Bollocks.

xenoview's picture

That's the best you have as evidence is quoting the bible? The bible is not reliable evidence.

mykcob4's picture
Okay, apparently Longwinded

Okay, apparently Longwinded 77 is testing the forum to see if he can get kicked out. He is purposely trolling and just wasting bandwidth.
Kind of like Trump testing to see if people will actually follow the Constitution and arrest him for treason!

Longwinded77's picture
I agree with you treason

I agree with you treason comment, by the way... but have athiests always been as close minded as you? It absolutely bewilders me. A child can read and understand the bible and be saved, but you cant?... Why do you do this to yourself. Its not about popularity....its about you, as an individual. What other people think of you dont decide your eternal destination... our Lord God makes that call and trust me He's got your number!

2 Thessalonians:1:7-8
And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
Atheists are not close minded

Atheists are not close minded, most are simply not credulous.

Randomhero1982's picture
Closed minded? When you read

Closed minded? When you read only one book?
Come on, stop being a muppet!

Read some Hitchens, Sagan, Russell, Dawkings, Harris, Krauss....

We have all these intellects and your being intellectually dishonest to simply say your bible has all the answers.

Explore the world, broaden your mind!

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
I personally think that if he

I personally think that if he studied Immanuel Kant, that it would open his eyes greatly!

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
Perhaps David Hume would be a

Perhaps David Hume would be a better start? Kant might go over his head.

LogicFTW's picture
You do realize, saying over

You do realize, saying over and over the bible will save you, and constantly quoting the bible, and then saying: people with other sources of knowledge are close minded is quite hypocritical right?

You must be aware that, your bible was told vocally, then via scroll, then via a book, and then heavily edited and translated. All starting ~2000 years ago? And you still think it is the perfect truth above all other books? Even evidence based books and the tremendous amount of knowledge we humans have gained in the last ~2000 years?

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
Maybe he could read

Maybe he could read "Misquoting Jesus" by Bart D. Ehrman? I'm currently reading "How Jesus became God" by the same author and am finding it very interesting!

mykcob4's picture

Ah yes, the old make it about me (your opponent) ploy.
I AM saved. I am saved from the mental slavery of believing in a myth.
But this is NOT about me even though you would like the distraction. It is about you doing nothing but avoiding questions, shirking the responsibility to provide proof and posting long inane bible quotes that mean absolutely nothing.
The lord has my number? Okay, have him give me a call. My guess the only call I'll get is from some moron that thinks that I am a moron and wants money from me. I'm not as stupid as you.

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
So true! I am now beginning

So true! I am now beginning to wonder if he is even reading what we have to say, or even cares to respond?

xenoview's picture
Outside of your bible, what

Outside of your bible, what proof do you have a god is real?

algebe's picture
"A child can read and

@Looongwinded77: "A child can read and understand the bible and be saved"

The Bible isn't suitable reading for children. It should be in the adults only section of bookstores.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Isn't it funny that:

Isn't it funny that:

  • the Christians who think the Earth is young
  • the Christians who think the Earth is old
  • the Christians who think slavery is OK
  • the Christians who think slavery is bad
  • the Christians who think non-believers go to hell
  • the Christians who think no one goes to hell
  • the Christians who believe in the trinity
  • the Christians who don't believe in the trinity
  • the Christians who believe in freewill
  • the Christians who don't believe in freewill

Can all use the bible to prove they are correct?

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
Beautifully asked!!

Beautifully asked!!

Randomhero1982's picture
It should be renamed 'The

It should be renamed 'The Holy Contradiction'

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
Well, let use hope they do

Well, let us hope they do not have issues with dichotomy in general.

chimp3's picture
Longwinded77 thinks "The

Longwinded77 thinks "The Flintstones" was a documentary.

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