Notre Dame

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Sheldon's picture
The irony here of course is
David Killens's picture
It is a worthy topic to
algebe's picture
The latest news is that one
Sheldon's picture
I hope he makes a full
Sheldon's picture
"somebody rushed in and saved
dogalmighty's picture
Let's hope the fireman will
Grinseed's picture
"to fleece pilgrims" is the
Sheldon's picture
The new crown of thorns is in
arakish's picture
I also agree with Diotrephes.
David Killens's picture
When I park my distaste of
arakish's picture
You ain't the only one
Sky Pilot's picture
The thing about churches,
psyekl's picture
As a student and admirer of
NewSkeptic's picture
Serious this time. Of course
Sapporo's picture
NewSkeptic: Google searches
Sky Pilot's picture
Sapporo's picture
Quite incredible that so far,
Sky Pilot's picture
SeniorCitizen007's picture
Hero priest saves the Notre
dogalmighty's picture
Well, with the billions of
curtisabass's picture
Several individuals ha e put
MarylinC's picture
This is really starting to
Sky Pilot's picture
arakish's picture
@ MarylinC
MarylinC's picture
Thanks Arakish, great reply.
Cognostic's picture
RE: Bailey Jean Matheson
dogalmighty's picture
Yup...170 billion each and
Sky Pilot's picture
dogalmighty's picture
So they never ever used that
Sky Pilot's picture


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